The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) helps people find jobs and businesses find employees. TWC can also assist with:
- Training: Help people get the skills they need for new jobs.
- Keeping workers: Help businesses keep their employees happy and skilled.
- Tax and hiring incentives: Offer programs to make it easier for businesses to hire and grow.
If you want to work with local organizations to help people find jobs, TWC is a great resource.
Connect with your local Workforce Solutions office to:
- Apply for and post jobs.
- Explore job trends.
- Find childcare support and food benefits.
- Find support and services for people with disabilities.
Visit your Workforce Development Board's website to:
- Locate your local board.
- Learn more about the services it provides.
- Contact staff.
How to Sell to TWC
Want to sell your products or services to TWC? Here's what you need to do:
- Become a State of Texas Vendor:
- Register: Go to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts (CPA) website and register as a State of Texas vendor.
- Commodity Codes: Learn how to correctly code your goods or services using the CPA's Commodity Book. This will help TWC find your products.
- Bid and Contracting Opportunities: Search for what TWC buys and find bid and contracting opportunities through these entities:
o Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts (CPA)
o Department of Information Resources (DIR)
o Business Enterprises of Texas (BET)
o Electronic State Business Daily (ESBD)
- Learn the Rules:
- State Purchasing: Read up on the state's purchasing rules and regulations.
- TWC Procurement: Get familiar with TWC's specific procurement resources.
- Payment Processing: Understand how payments are processed for state vendors.
- HUB Certification and Reporting: Learn about how to become a HUB vendor and view HUB reports.
By following these steps, you'll be on your way to becoming a successful vendor for TWC!