Be aware and avoid scams. Read web addresses carefully - TWC web addresses contain or end in ".gov". Do not click on a link containing ".com" or ".net" that claims to be from TWC. TWC staff will never ask for your password, PIN, bank account or credit/debit card numbers, or answers to your security questions.
Two Simple Rules to Spot a Phishing Scam
- Ignore what the email, text, or website looks like (including images, company names, and logos).
- Find out where the links in the email or text lead and double check the web address (URL) to make sure it matches the address of the company it is supposed to be from.
This image capture is an example of a fraud attempt:
It Might Be a Scam If…
Look at this example of a fake email/text and notice some of the signs on a scam.
- Says there has been suspicious activity or log-in attempts and needs you to provide personal information to verify.
- Claims there are problems with your account or payment information.
- Wants you to click a link to confirm or provide information.
- Tries to pressure you to act quickly by scaring you or giving a short deadline to “fix” the imaginary problem.
Other signs of a scam include:
- Says you need to confirm personal or financial information. Remember, TWC will NEVER ask for your password, PIN, bank or credit card details, or your security questions.
- Seems too good to be true (i.e., Says you can get additional money or benefits you were not expecting).
If you get a suspicious email or text, it might be a scam - even if it claims to be from TWC. Scammers can make an email or web page that looks like TWC, including creating fake web pages that look like the Unemployment Benefit Services (UBS) log on page. It may look like official TWC correspondence, web pages, and applications at first glance, but it’s not.
Scams and schemes try to steal your personal identity and banking information. Being on guard can help you minimize your chance of being defrauded. Learn how to recognize common scams and what you can do to avoid them.
- How to Recognize and Avoid Phishing Scams (Federal Trade Commission article)
- Quick Ways to Get Data Smart (Department of Labor article)
- How to Get Less Spam in Your Email (Federal Trade Commission article)
- Avoiding Online Scams (Federal Trade Commission article)
- Pandemic Response: Fraud Alerts from Office of Inspector General for the U. S. Department of Labor
Slam the Scam
- Slam the Scam: Learn how to recognize scammers and avoid becoming a victim.
March 1, 2024: TWC has become aware of a recent telephone scam. This reported scam is targeting clients of the Texas Health and Human Services. Specifically, clients who use Lone Star Cards for benefits from SNAP and TANF.
This scam involves the use of a technique called spoofing to mimic the Lone Star Card Help Desk. Victims have reported getting calls with the Lone Star Card Help Desk number on their caller ID. Reports state the callers sometimes using prerecorded voices. The callers request sensitive information. This includes clients' PIN, Social Security number, and date of birth.
Although this scam has not appeared to target Unemployment Benefit claimants, it is important to be vigilant. TWC emphasizes that, regardless of the caller ID, they will never ask for your PIN or Password. TWC will not request your bank account or ReliaCard numbers through unsolicited calls. If you receive any suspicious calls, we recommend verifying the caller's legitimacy. To do this, claimants can hang up and contact our Unemployment department at 800-939-6631.
It is important to protect your account, to ensure fraudsters cannot access your benefits.
- Use a strong password: Use a combination of numbers, symbols, lower-case and capital letters. Your password should be at least 12 characters. Never use the same password with a different account. Do not use words or numbers that can be easily guessed.
- Use a unique PIN: Do not use the last 4-digits of your Social Security number, phone number, address, birthday, or other personal information that can be easily guessed. Do not use the same PIN with a different account.
- Don’t share private information: Never share your password or information about your claim with someone you don’t know. Be mindful about posting information on social media that could be used to figure out your security questions.
For more information about PINs and Passwords, go to Managing Your Benefits Password & PIN.
Always double check the web address (URL) of any site before you log in. To confirm a TWC site is real, make sure the address ends in .gov.
EXAMPLE: TWC’s Unemployment Benefit Services (UBS) address is Always verify the address before entering your User ID and password.
Find information about scams targeting individuals who are filing for unemployment benefits.
- Fraud TWC Page Scam, TWC Notice, November 2023
- Social Media Unemployment Benefits Scam, TWC Notice, June 2023
- Scams using the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, TWC Notice, March 2023
- Email Scam to Get Logon Credentials, TWC Notice, August 2022
- Text Scam to Verify Identity, TWC Notice, July 2022
- Text Scam to Apply for COVID-19 Bonus, TWC Notice, July 2022
- Text Scam to Update Payment Method, TWC Notice, June 2022
- Request to Provide Identity Information, TWC Notice, January 2022
- Fraudulent Email Copies TWC Graphics, TWC Notice, December 2021
- Fraudulent Unemployment Website, FBI Public Service Announcement, October 2021
- Tax Relief Notification, TWC Notice, May 2019
Find information about scams targeting employers.
- Scam using the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, TWC Notice March 2023
- Child Care Relief Fund Scam Calls , TWC Notice, April 2022
- Tax Relief Notification, TWC Notice, May 2019
Valid Notices Sent to Unemployment Benefits Claimants
Want to Verify an Email Came from TWC? The following are VALID email notices that TWC sent to Unemployment Benefit claimants.
- July 2024 - Copy of email sent to remind claimants to reset password and PIN to secure their account.
- March 2024 - Copy of email sent to inform claimants that TWC will begin enforcing their assigned day of the week for submitting a Payment Request. Learn more about Requesting Payment.
- December 18, 2023 - Copy of email sent to unemployment benefit claimants reminding them to reset password and PIN to secure their account. Learn more about Managing Your PIN and Password.
- November 21, 2023 - Copy of email sent to unemployment benefits claimants regarding how to avoid scams.