The Texas UI Claimant Dashboard maps Unemployment Insurance claims by TWC Workforce Development Area, county, zip code and legislative district. Data downloads are available for all the information displayed.
Initial Claims
Initial unemployment claims submitted by month under the regular (REG) unemployment benefit program. (Source DOL ETA 5159).
Continued Claim Weeks
Ongoing weekly unemployment benefit claims submitted (not necessarily paid) under the regular (REG) unemployment benefit program by workers who have previously filed an initial claim. (Source DOL ETA 5159)
- Weekly Claims by County (select the Miscellaneous tab, then select and download UI Claims by County)
Please note that the claims data provided comes from the Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) program using the Program for Measuring the Insured Unemployed Statistics (PROMIS) software.
PROMIS claims data are extracted from the state’s UI system and used in LAUS estimation. The claims data must be properly identified to strictly conform to BLS definitions. However, the program that controls the claimant information (by UI) is not BLS’ to control. Changes can take place that will show differences in weekly/monthly totals. These can be a result of:
- Modifications by UI programmers to account for a state administrative change;
- UI program changes mandated by ETA or the state; or,
- Real changes in the UI claims counts due to economic activity.
Additionally, PROMIS only accepts Initial, Additional Initial, and Continued Claims from UI, any other type of claim is not accepted. This will add to the discrepancy between UI and PROMIS claim totals. This is because PROMIS is mainly a tool for the LAUS program. As such, PROMIS was programmed to only accept these types of claims as they are inputs into creating LAUS estimates.
- Weekly Claims by Industry (select the Miscellaneous tab, then select and download UI Claims by Industry)
Please note that the claims data provided comes from the Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) program using the Program for Measuring the Insured Unemployed Statistics (PROMIS) software.
PROMIS claims data are extracted from the state’s UI system and used in LAUS estimation. The claims data must be properly identified to strictly conform to BLS definitions. However, the program that controls the claimant information (by UI) is not BLS’ to control. Changes can take place that will show differences in weekly/monthly totals. These can be a result of:
- Modifications by UI programmers to account for a state administrative change;
- UI program changes mandated by ETA or the state; or,
- Real changes in the UI claims counts due to economic activity.
Additionally, PROMIS only accepts Initial, Additional Initial, and Continued Claims from UI, any other type of claim is not accepted. This will add to the discrepancy between UI and PROMIS claim totals. This is because PROMIS is mainly a tool for the LAUS program. As such, PROMIS was programmed to only accept these types of claims as they are inputs into creating LAUS estimates.