Unemployment Benefits is an employer-paid program that provides temporary, partial income replacement to eligible workers who, through no fault of their own:
- Lost their job, or
- Are working reduced hours
To be eligible, workers must:
- Meet requirements about their past earnings and their job separation or reduced hours
- Register for work search at WorkInTexas.com
- Be able and available for work
- Be actively searching for work
TWC sends employers notice of claims filed if they were the individual's last employer or the claim is based on wages they paid the individual. TWC will request job separation and earnings history related to unemployment claims. Businesses and employers can visit Employer Benefits Services and the Unemployment Tax Program for details.
What We Do

Job Search Help

Customer Service

Employment Resources
Log on to UBS to apply for benefits, request payment, check claim and payment status, and more.
Log on to EBS to manage unemployment benefits, layoffs, and more. For Tax Services, log on to UTS.
Search for work on one of the largest job databases in Texas. Register for work so employers can find you.
Respond to TWC Notices, including Notices of Application for Unemployment Benefits or Requests for Work Separation Information.
Log on to appeal a decision or to learn the status of your appeal.
Log on to appeal a decision or to learn the status of your appeal.
Most federal reporting requirements are detailed in the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) Employment and Training Administration Employment and Training Handbook 401.