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The Skills Development Fund is for businesses who want to train new workers or upgrade the skills of existing workers. Public community colleges, technical colleges, workforce boards, or Texas A&M Extension Services (TEEX) may apply. The goal of the program is to upgrade the skill levels and wages of the Texas workforce. 

What We Do

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Education & Training

Program Details

Eligible SDF applicants include:

  • public community and technical colleges
  • the Texas Engineering Extension Service (TEEX)
  • community-based organizations in partnership with a community or technical college or TEEX. 

Businesses (in partnership with an eligible applicant) can receive up to $500,000 to meet their customized training needs. The amount can be more for a consortium. The average per-trainee cost is $2,000, and the trainees must be full-time, paid employees. TWC accepts project proposal submissions throughout the year. Each grant typically lasts 12 months.

Skills Development is administered by the Texas Workforce Commission. The program is funded by appropriations from the Texas Legislature.

The program is governed by the following rules and regulations:

How To Apply

For more information on the application process please reach out to one of our regional business liaisons. They will provide guidance and technical support if you would like to apply. 

Employer Engagement and Community Outreach Team

About Our Employer Engagement and Community Outreach (EECO) Team:

Our team of highly skilled professionals is here to help with the development of projects and proposals.

The EECO specialists are available to work with employers, colleges, local workforce development boards, economic development partners, and business partners to ensure employers get the training their businesses need.

They also serve as a guide to other TWC services, helping businesses make the connections they need to maximize their workforce. For more information on how to utilize SDF training, please reach out to the business liaison in your region.


TWC prepares Skills Development Fund reports each Fiscal Year. Please visit our Agency Reports page to view those.