If we ask you to send us documents, follow the steps we gave you. You can upload certain documents using our online UI Submission Portal (Portal de envío de UI). For more information, see the Submit Your Documents to TWC Online section below.
Find out about unemployment benefits in Texas, including:
- How to apply for benefits
- The basics of unemployment benefits
- Initial and ongoing eligibility requirements
- How and why to report work and earnings when you request a benefit payment
- How to appeal a decision you do not agree with
Learn how to use the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) online Unemployment Benefits Services (UBS) to apply for benefits, request payments, view claim and payment status, and more.
You can apply for benefits if you are unemployed or working reduced hours through no fault of your own. To file a claim, see Apply for Benefits below.
Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) provides unemployment benefits to people who lost their job or self-employment as a direct result of a federally declared disaster in their area. To receive these benefits, you must apply for benefits. You can apply at Unemployment Benefits Services. You will need to provide proof of employment or self-employment within 21 days of applying. For more information, see TWC’s DUA page.
For more information, see the Learn More section below for When to Apply for Benefits, Information You Need to Apply, and How to Apply.
Get Started

Apply for Benefits
Apply online at Unemployment Benefits Services by selecting Apply for Benefits. Log on with your existing TWC User ID or create a new User ID. If you cannot apply online, call a Tele-Center at 800-939-6631 during regular business hours.

Maintain Eligibility Weekly
Continue to meet ongoing eligibility requirements. Register for work, search for work, and meet work search requirements (unless we say you are exempt). We pay benefits only if you are eligible on all requirements for each week you request payment.

Learn How to Request Benefit Payments
Request benefit payments every two weeks on your filing day. If you miss your filing day, request payment on Thursday through Saturday of the same week. You must:

Eligibility and Benefit Amounts
Learn about eligibility requirements and how we calculate benefit amounts. Find how special sources of wages or types of employment can affect benefits.

Estimate Benefit Amounts
You can use the Unemployment Benefits Estimator to find out how much you might receive in benefit amounts. Note: The estimator does not tell you if you are eligible for benefits. TWC will determine if you are eligible after you apply for benefits.

Learn the Result of Your Application for Benefits
It can take up to four weeks to determine your eligibility. Your former employer has up to 14 days to provide an initial response on the reason you are no longer working. We also use this time to gather more information we need for your claim.

Make Your Work Search Count
Get tips for your work search. Keep track of your work search activities in a log (registro) while receiving benefits. View the required number of activities by county. Visit a local Workforce Solutions office for free job search services.

Federal Income Taxes
Unemployment benefits are taxable income you must report to the IRS on your federal tax return. You can ask TWC to withhold taxes from your payments and pay the IRS for you. Withholding is voluntary and the tax rate is 10 percent.

Verify Your Identity on Your Claim
If you filed for unemployment and received notice to verify your identity, you must complete ID verification. Verifying your ID validates the claim and confirms you filed it. Verify your ID only if you filed the claim. If not, report the fraud.

Keep Your Information Updated
Tell TWC immediately if you change your mailing address. Update your address even if you stop receiving benefits. We mail documents to the most current address you provide. We send benefit and appeal documents, as well as IRS forms.

Learn About Appeals
An appeal is your written notice that you disagree with a TWC decision and want your case decided through the appeal process. If you are denied benefits and disagree, you can appeal. To learn how to appeal online, see the Appeals section below.
Sign Up and View Electronic Correspondence
If you have an unemployment benefits claim, you can sign up for Electronic Correspondence. Once you sign up, you can view most, but not all, of your unemployment notices and forms in a secure, online mailbox.
How to Contact Us
Find webpages and phone numbers for claimant resources and services for unemployment benefits.
Learn More
Research topics that may affect your application for benefits or help you with your ongoing claim. Some topics covered in this section include:
- What you need to know for your application for benefits
- How to apply for benefits and update your claim
- How to use our online Unemployment Benefits Services
- How to check your claim, payment, or appeal status
- How to request payment
- How to submit documents to TWC
- And more
Apply for benefits as soon as you are unemployed or your work hours are reduced. Your claim starts on the Sunday of the week you apply for benefits. Do not apply until after your last workday. We cannot pay benefits for weeks before you became unemployed.
If you worked in a state other than Texas, you need to apply for benefits in that state. If you worked in more than one state, you may be able to combine two or more state claims into one claim. See If You Earned Wages in More than One State.
If your last job was for a temporary agency or staff leasing company, you have additional requirements you must meet before you can apply for benefits:
- If your last job was for a temporary agency, you must:
- Immediately contact the temporary agency for a new assignment.
- Wait three business days after your last assignment ended before applying for benefits.
- The agency has three business days to offer you a new assignment. If you turn down the next assignment, you may not be eligible for benefits.
- If your last job was for a staff leasing company, you must immediately contact the staff leasing company for a new assignment.
See If Your Last Work was Temporary Employment to learn how temporary work affects your benefits.
You must provide your:
- Social Security number (SSN)
- Valid (unexpired) state Driver License number or state Identification Card number
- Last employer’s business name, address, and phone number
- First and last dates (month, day, and year) you worked for your last employer. If you worked for your last employer on more than one occasion, provide the most recent employment dates.
- Number of hours worked and pay rate if you worked the week you apply (Sunday through Saturday)
- Information about the normal wage for the job you are seeking
- Military employment (service) start/end dates and a copy of your DD Form 214(s)(member copy 4 through 8), if you served in the military during the past 18 months
- Alien Registration number (if not a U.S. citizen or national)
Apply for benefits in one of two ways:
- Apply online at Unemployment Benefits Services (UBS) by selecting Apply for Benefits. Note: The online UBS application is only available in English and Spanish. Read the user guide for help applying online:
- Call a Tele-Center at 800-939-6631 during regular business hours and speak to customer service. Additional languages available upon request. TWC accepts calls from any Relay Service.
When you sign up for online services, you will select a User ID and password. If you have a User ID and password from WorkInTexas.com, you can use that to log on to Unemployment Benefits Services.
Your Personal Identification Number (PIN) is a four-digit number you choose. Use your PIN to confirm your identity on Unemployment Benefits Services and Tele-Serv.
For more information about User IDs and Passwords, see:
- Tutorial on how to sign up for a TWC Internet User ID (English)
- Tutoría sobre cómo apuntarse para una Identificación de Usuario del Internet de la TWC
- Managing Your Benefits Password & PIN
Your password and PIN protect your identity and privacy. They have the same legal authority as your signature on a paper document. Do not give your password or PIN to anyone, not even to a family member or TWC employee. You are responsible for any payment request made using your User ID and password or PIN.
User ID and Password Requirements:
- Your User ID must be between 3 and 32 characters
- Your password must include the following:
- At least 8 characters
At least one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, one number and one special character: # @ $ % ^ ! * _ +
DO NOT include your email address, first or last name, Social Security number, date of birth, or part of your home address in your password.
Important Notice: Do Not Create Multiple UBS Accounts
Do not create a new account if you are having trouble with your current one. Instead, submit a contact request to the TWC Help Desk. They will help you regain access to your original account.
When you apply for benefits, TWC offers you one of two ways to get your benefit payments:
- Direct deposit, which is direct payment into your personal checking or savings account in a United States bank or credit union
- Debit card, which is issued by the TWC debit card vendor
TWC will deposit payments to the TWC debit card account unless you sign up for direct deposit.
If you signed up for direct deposit on a past claim, TWC will use the account information you provided then. If that account is closed or has changed, update your direct deposit information or you may not receive your benefit payments.
To select or change your payment option online or by phone:
- Log on to Unemployment Benefits Services and select Payment Option from the Quick Links menu.
- Call Tele-Serv at 800-558-8321 and select Option 5.
To set up direct deposit, you will need:
- The nine-digit routing number for your United States bank or credit union.
- Your account number.
- Your account type.
- A check, not a deposit slip, for your routing or account number. Contact your bank or credit union if you are unsure about your routing and account numbers.
Need Help?
For information about payment options, see:
Find information about unemployment benefits including how to apply, qualify, request and receive payments, and estimate your weekly benefit amount.
Unemployment Benefits is an employer-paid program that provides temporary, partial income replacement to eligible workers who, through no fault of their own:
- Lost their job or
- Are working reduced hours.
Unemployment Benefits Services (UBS) is TWC’s free online system that allows claimants to access their Unemployment Benefits information. You can use the Internet to apply for benefits, estimate your benefits, update your claim, request payments, check your status, change your payment option, and more.
Tele-Serv, our automated phone system, is available at 800-558-8321.
Online UBS Logon
Log on with your existing TWC User ID or create a new User ID.
You can access any of our UBS online systems through the above logon link or you can continue reading on this page for information about our services, how to use UBS, and related user guides.
View Electronic Correspondence
If you have an unemployment benefits claim, you can sign up for Electronic Correspondence for online access to your unemployment benefits correspondence.
Electronic Correspondence allows you to receive most, but not all, of your unemployment notices and forms electronically in a secure, online mailbox. You are responsible for regularly checking your online inbox, regardless of whether you receive an email notifying you of new mail. All Electronic Correspondence documents are also available as accessible versions for visually impaired customers.
Once you sign up, you will continue to receive most of your TWC correspondence electronically until you opt out. You must opt out to stop receiving documents by Electronic Correspondence and return to paper mail. For more information, see the user guide below.
Need Help?
- See a tutorial on how to use Electronic Correspondence (English)
- Vea una tutoría sobre cómo utilizar Correspondencia Electrónica
View Claim & Payment Status
If you have applied for unemployment benefits, view your claim and payment information:
- Log on to Unemployment Benefits Services and select Claim and Payment Status.
- Call Tele-Serv at 800-558-8321 and select Option 2.
We update our systems nightly, so consider checking your claim status once daily.
- See a tutorial on how to view the status of your claim (English)
- Vea una tutoría sobre cómo ver la condición de su reclamo en línea
Your Tax Information
Unemployment benefits are taxable income reportable to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) under federal law. You must report all unemployment benefits you receive to the IRS on your federal tax return.
If you are receiving benefits, you may have federal income taxes withheld from your unemployment benefit payments. Tax withholding is completely voluntary; withholding taxes is not required. If you ask us to withhold taxes, we will withhold ten percent of the gross amount of each of your benefit payments and send it to the IRS.
Change Your Income Tax Withholding
To start or stop federal tax withholding for unemployment benefit payments:
- Choose your withholding option when you apply for benefits online through Unemployment Benefits Services.
- Review and change your withholding status by logging on to Unemployment Benefits Services and selecting “IRS Tax Information” from the Quick Links menu.
- Review and change your withholding status by calling Tele-Serv at 800-558-8321 and selecting Option 2, then Option 5.
View IRS 1099-G Information
If you received unemployment benefits during the previous calendar year, view the total amount TWC paid to you and any amount withheld.
To get your 1099-G information:
- Log on to Unemployment Benefits Services and select IRS Tax Information from the Quick Links menu.
- Call Tele-Serv at 800-558-8321 and select Option 2.
Need Help?
- For more information, see Federal Income Taxes
- See a tutorial on how to check your IRS 1099-G information (English)
- Vea un tutoría sobre cómo ver la información de su 1099-G del IRS en línea
Request Your Waiting Week
TWC cannot pay you for the first week of your claim, also known as the waiting week, until you return to full-time work or exhaust your benefits. If you return to full-time work before exhausting your benefits, you must inform TWC to receive payment for that first week.
To report that you returned to full-time work:
- Log on to Unemployment Benefits Services and select Request Your Waiting Week.
- Call Tele-Serv at 800-558-8321 and select Option 2 and then Option 4.
- Call a Tele-Center at 800-939-6631.
Repay an Overpayment
An overpayment is caused when TWC pays you unemployment benefits that you are later found not eligible to receive. Overpayments stay on your record until they are repaid. We cannot pay you benefits if you have an overpayment.
You can now repay your overpayment online by debit card or e-check:
- Log on to Unemployment Benefits Services (UBS).
- Select “Make a Payment on Your Overpayment” from the Quick Links menu and select the www.repay.twc.texas.gov link.
- Log on with your UBS User ID and password.
- Select the payment method:
- Select “Debit Card” to pay by debit card.
- Select “Bank Account (Online ACH Transfer)” to pay by e-check.
- Enter the payment amount and review the payment summary.
- Complete the Customer Information and Payment Information.
- Submit payment.
- Print the Payment Receipt Confirmation for your records.
E-checks are available at no charge. Texas.gov charges a service fee for online payments made by debit card. The service fee is a percentage of your payment amount and goes to support the Texas.gov website’s ongoing operations and enhancements.
You Will Need:
- A valid UBS User ID and password. If you are new to UBS, you must wait 30 minutes after creating your User ID and password before you can submit payment online.
- A valid email address associated with your UBS account.
- For e-check payment:
- The name on the bank or credit union account as it appears on the card.
- Your bank or credit union account number and routing number.
- NOTE: The name on the bank or credit union account does not need to be the same name associated with your unemployment benefits claim.
You may also repay your overpayment by mailing a check or money order (payable to TWC) to:
TWC Revenue & Trust Management
P.O. Box 149352
Austin, TX 78714-9352
To ensure proper credit, include on your check or money order your name, last four digits of your Social Security number, and the account number shown on your billing statement.
If you cannot repay the entire overpayment amount at once, contact Benefit Overpayment Collections to request a repayment plan. If your overpayment meets certain criteria, we can set up a repayment plan.
- Call: 512-936-3338
- Fax: 512-936-3799
Email: special.colloverpay@twc.texas.gov
Please use this email address only for requesting a payment plan, your overpayment balance, or instructions for sending payment.
If you did not apply for unemployment benefits, and you received TWC correspondence regarding an overpayment, report possible ID fraud at: Report ID Fraud
Need Help?
Read our user guides for help with using online Unemployment Benefits Services.
- See a tutorial on applying for unemployment benefits
- See a tutorial on how to sign up for a TWC Internet User ID
- See a tutorial on how to use Electronic Correspondence
- See a tutorial on how to view the status of your claim
- See a tutorial on how to check your IRS 1099-G information
- See a tutorial on how to request payments
- See a tutorial on how to calculate and report earnings
- See a tutorial on how to request DUA payments online
- See a tutorial on how to appeal online
- See a tutorial on how to check your appeal status
- Vea una tutoría sobre solicitar beneficios de desempleo
- Vea una tutoría sobre cómo apuntarse para una Identificación de Usuario del Internet de la TWC
- Vea una tutoría sobre cómo utilizar Correspondencia Electrónica
- Vea una tutoría sobre cómo ver la condición de su reclamo en línea
- Vea un tutoría sobre cómo ver la información de su 1099-G del IRS en línea
- Vea una tutoría sobre cómo solictar pagos de beneficios en línea
- Vea una tutoría sobre cómo calcular y declarar ganancias
- Vea una tutoría sobre cómo solicitar pagos de DUA en línea
- Vea una tutoría acerca de cómo apelar en línea
- Vea un tutoría sobre cómo ver la condición de su apelación
If you have an active claim, request a benefit payment in one of two ways:
- Log on to Unemployment Benefits Services and select Payment Request.
- Call Tele-Serv at 800-558-8321 and select Option 1.
You Will Need:
- Earnings amount for each week (if applicable)
- Work search activities for each week
Need Help?
- See a tutorial on how to request payments (English)
- See a tutorial on how to calculate and report earnings (English)
- Vea una tutoría sobre cómo solictar pagos de beneficios en línea
- Vea una tutoría sobre cómo calcular y declarar ganancias
If you have an active DUA claim, request a benefit payment in one of two ways:
- Log on to Unemployment Benefits Services and select Payment Request.
- Call Tele-Serv at 800-558-8321 and select Option 1.
You Will Need:
Earnings amount for each week (if applicable)
- If you are employed:
- Number of hours you worked each week
- Your gross earnings amount for each week
- Work search activities for each week (if applicable)
- If you are self-employed:
- Total amount of earnings and commissions before deductions (such as operating expenses)
- Gross income in the week you received the income, even if you performed the work in a prior week. For example, if you performed services in Week #1 but did not receive payment until Week #2, you must report the gross income in Week #2, the week when you were paid.
Reminder: You must supply TWC with proof of your employment within 21 days of applying for DUA. See Sending TWC Proof of Employment.
Need Help?
- For more information on DUA and DUA payment requests, see Disaster Unemployment Assistance.
- See a tutorial on how to request DUA payments online (English)
- See a tutorial on how to calculate and report earnings (English)
- Vea una tutoría sobre cómo solicitar pagos de DUA en línea
- Vea una tutoría sobre cómo calcular y declarar ganancias
Appeal an Unemployment Benefits Decision
An appeal is your written notice that you disagree with a TWC decision and want your case decided through the appeal process. Appeals can be submitted online.
To submit an appeal:
- Log on to Unemployment Benefits Services and select Submit An Appeal.
- For more information and other ways to appeal, see How to Appeal a Decision.
Need Help?
Find everything you need to know about how to appeal a TWC decision about your unemployment benefits or how to check your appeal status.
- See a tutorial on how to appeal online (English)
- Vea una tutoría acerca de cómo apelar en línea
- Learn about how to appeal a decision
- Learn about the unemployment benefits appeal process
- Register online for your scheduled hearing
View Appeal Status
To check your appeal status:
- Log on to Unemployment Benefits Services and select Appeal List.
Need Help?
- See a tutorial on how to check your appeal status (English)
- Vea un tutoría sobre cómo ver la condición de su apelación
If TWC requested your Work Search Log information, submit your work search activities on UBS. If you cannot submit on UBS and want to upload your work search log, see Submit Your Documents to TWC Online. If you cannot submit online, send a copy to the address or fax number we gave you.
For more information on work search logs, see our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
You Will Need:
- Details about your work search activities for the week TWC requested
- Download a blank Work Search Log (English)
- Bajar un registro de búsqueda de trabajo en blanco
If TWC asked you to provide unemployment insurance (UI) documents, you can upload them using our online UI Submission Portal (Portal de UI para la Carga de Presentaciones). Fill out the online form to tell us who you are and what you are sending.
You will need to input your personal information on the portal. Then select the type of submission you want to make from a drop-down menu. The portal also provides a list of the file types you can upload:
- Proof ID - Front and back of your Social Security card, your driver license or ID card, and proof of residency (utility bill)
- Check Stubs/Wages/Earnings
- DUA Proof of Employment at Time of Disaster
- DUA Proof of Yearly Tax Earnings
- Military Release/Discharge Form (DD214)
- Payment Request - Regular Benefits
- Payment Request - TRA
- Requalification Information Request
- Request for Proof of Federal Employment
- Work Search Log
- Other
You can upload files up to 7 MB in size. Acceptable file types include: pdf, jpg, jpeg, tiff, and png. Make sure to select the Submit button at the top of the page when you are done.
If you cannot submit online, send a copy to the address or fax number we gave you.
WARNING: Do not use this portal to submit your appeal or any appeal documents. You must submit your appeal online using Unemployment Benefits Services (UBS), by mail, by fax, or in person at a Workforce Solutions office. Learn about submitting an appeal at: How to Appeal a Decision. For information on how to appeal online, see Appeals above.
If you are not claiming unemployment benefits and have information that a claim was fraudulently filed using your identity, report the ID fraud claim on TWC’s online portal. Go to Unemployment Benefits ID Fraud for more information.
Log on to Unemployment Benefits Services
Privacy / Confidentiality
Your claim is confidential. However, we share some information with government agencies and their contractors who administer and enforce laws. They may use the data for purposes allowed by law. This can include verifying eligibility for public assistance and supporting law enforcement activities. Other legal uses of this information include statistical analysis, research, and evaluation. We may also share information with official groups that manage and evaluate programs. Examples of these programs include Social Security, Medicaid, nutrition assistance, and child support.
We mail a claim notice to your last employer. We may also contact other former employers. If we pay you benefits by debit card, we share data with U.S Bank, who manages your debit card account. There are state and federal laws regarding the confidentiality of claim information that U.S. Bank must comply with.
Technology Requirements & Privacy
Keep in mind the following when using this website.
Technology Requirements
Recommended browsers are Chrome, Edge, Firefox, or Safari. Click on the respective link to download the latest free version.
Privacy Information
Texas Workforce Commission collects personal information entered into electronic forms on this Internet site. For more information on your rights to request, review and correct information submitted on our electronic forms, see TWC's Website Privacy & Security Information.
Public Computer
If you are using a computer in a public place, log off and close the browser when you are finished using this website to prevent others from viewing your information.