Child Care & Early Learning is a division within TWC that supports families, child care providers, and Local Workforce Development Boards (Boards).
CCS Benefits for Families
The CCS program provides scholarships (financial aid) for child care to eligible families for children. These scholarships help pay for a portion of or all costs of child care so parents can work, search for work, or attend school or job training. There are requirements that must be met if families are approved for the program.
If you are interested in applying for the CCS program, Login or create an account in the Texas Child Care Connection (TX3C) to apply for assistance. The first step in the application process is to complete an eligibility screener to see if your family is eligible for the CCS program.
Texas Child Care Connection (TX3C)

Families can search for child care providers through the Texas Child Care Connection (TX3C) website. Searches can be done by location, method of transportation, and ages of children.
Providers can provide available openings by age group and share other useful information about their program.
Texas Rising Star

The Texas Rising Star is a quality rating and improvement system for CCS programs. All child care programs serving children in TWC's CCS program must participate in the Texas Rising Star program. Texas Rising Star program. Texas Rising Star programs meet a higher level of quality than the state's minimum child care standards.
More details are available on TWC's Texas Rising Star page.
Child Care and Public Prekindergarten Partnerships
A child care/pre-K partnership is a collaboration between public-school pre-K and child care programs. This is also called an “early learning partnership.” Texas Rising Star Three- and Four-Star certified programs are eligible for pre-K partnerships.
Learn more at Public Prekindergarten Partnerships.
What We Do


Financial Aid

Education & Training
Learn about child care scholarships, search for care, and find other parent resources.
Learn about resources available for child care providers.
Learn about the Preschool Development Grant Birth Through 5 (PDG B-5).
CCIP supports public-private investments to improve child care and early learning.
View and download Child Care & Early Learning plans, reports, and data.
Learn about TWC's Employer Child Care Solutions initiative to help employers interested in employer-based child care services.
Stakeholder Opportunities & Input
Stakeholders can learn about policy and funding decisions by virtually attending Commission meetings. The meetings also offer the public an opportunity to provide input. To view meetings, agendas, and materials, visit TWC Commission Meetings.
Additionally, the Commission works with staff to provide opportunities for:
- Child care and early learning stakeholders to offer input on the CCS program
- TEA, school districts, charter schools, businesses, and the public to offer input on CCS and pre-K coordination.
- Child care programs to offer input on making health and safety regulations more effective
- Child care programs to offer input on reducing burdens related to CCS program regulations while maintaining the goal of the regulation.
TWC notifies stakeholders of opportunities to attend regional meetings and of other child care updates. Stakeholders interested in receiving updates should sign up to receive workforce updates you can use by entering your email address and selecting the child care topic areas of their interest.
2025-2027 CCDF State Plan
The TWC Commission approved the CCDF State Plan on June 18, 2024.
To gather stakeholder input on the 2025-2027 CCDF State Plan, TWC held:
- Five in-person regional stakeholder meetings
- A virtual Child Care & Early Learning Stakeholder Meeting
All feedback given on the state plan was considered and can be found here with responses from TWC. Thank you to everyone who participated in the process and provided feedback.
Texas Rising Star 4-Year Review
In addition, every four years TWC conducts a comprehensive review of the Texas Rising Star program, working in consultation with a Texas Rising Star Four-Year Review Workgroup. To gather stakeholder input on the Workgroup recommendations, five in-person regional stakeholder meetings and a virtual meeting (recording/ slide deck) were held. For more information on the 2023-2024 Texas Rising Star Four-Year Review please visit here.
Stakeholders may provide input to TWC’s Child Care and Early Learning Division at any time by emailing ccel@twc.texas.gov.