The Unemployment Tax program collects wage information and unemployment taxes from employers.
The wage information determines the amount of unemployment benefits claimants may receive. Unemployment taxes support the Unemployment Compensation Fund. Unemployment benefits are paid from the fund.
Employers must register for a tax account within ten days of becoming a liable employer. Employers can visit Determine Whether You Need to Establish an Unemployment Tax Account for details.
Quarterly wage reports and taxes are due by the last day of the month following the end of the calendar quarter. Employers can visit Tax Report & Payment Due Dates for details.
Monthly Tax Tips
Each month, the Tax Department provides useful hints, shortcuts, or helpful information to employers about Unemployment Tax and Unemployment Tax internet applications. To view, visit the Monthly Tax Tips section at Unemployment Tax Basics.
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Education & Training
Learn about UTS to file wage reports, pay taxes, or manage an existing tax account online. To manage Benefit claims, logon to EBS.
Learn about UTR to register for a new tax account.
Install QuickFile for free to report over 1000 employees directly from a formatted file on your computer.
Learn how to update your business address, contact information, and close or reopen your tax account here.