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Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) provides searchable access to Workforce Development Letters, Adult Education & Literacy Letters, Customer Care Letters, Fraud Deterrence & Compliance Monitoring Letters, and Technical Assistance Bulletins. If you have questions about policy guidance, please email:

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Policy Letters

Guidance Number Status Subject Additional Attachments Keywords Publication Date Sort ascending
TA 291 Rescinded Serving Unemployment Benefits Claimants ES, WIOA, 10/16/2019
WD 23-19 Rescinded Child Care Provider Maximum Reimbursement Rate Increases Child Care 10/15/2019
WD 21-16, Chg 2 Rescinded Requirements for Reporting and Fact-Finding for Suspected Fraud, Waste, Theft, Program Abuse Cases, and Recovery of Improper Payments—Update Administration, Child Care 10/10/2019
WD 14-19 Rescinded Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act: Individual Training Accounts and Training Contracts WIOA 09/14/2019
WD 20-19 Rescinded Board Contract Year 2020 Federal Poverty Guidelines and State Median Income Amounts for Determining Eligibility and Parent Share of Cost for Child Care Services Child Care, TWIST 09/05/2019
AEL 03-19 Rescinded Fiscal Year 2020/Program Year 2019—Adult Education and Literacy Allocations AEL, Fiscal – Allocations, TANF/Choices 08/16/2019
WD 19-19 Active Federal Appeals Process for WIOA Title I Noncriminal Grievances and Complaints WIOA 08/15/2019
AEL 06-18, Chg 1 Active Adult Education and Literacy Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Eligibility—Update Table of Substantive Revisions to AEL Letter 06-18 , Revisions to AEL Letter 06-18 Shown in Track Changes AEL, TANF/Choices 08/13/2019
WD 08-19, Chg 1 Rescinded Registration Requirements Related to the Relaunch— Update AEL, ES, NCP Choices, Rapid Response, RESEA, SNAP E&T, TAA, TANF/Choices, TWIST, VR, WIOA, 08/12/2019
WD 18-19 Rescinded Workforce Automated Systems Data Entry Deadlines for Board Contract Year 2020 Child Care, ES, Performance, SNAP E&T, TAA, TANF/Choices, TWIST, WIOA, 08/09/2019
AEL 02-19 Active Collection of Certain Participant Information for Performance Reporting AEL, TANF/Choices, WIOA 08/08/2019
WD 17-19 Rescinded Registered Apprenticeship Training Programs and the Eligible Training Providers List Apprenticeship, WIOA 08/01/2019
WD 10-19 Rescinded Fidelity Bonding Services TWIST 06/18/2019
WD 11-19, Chg 1 Rescinded Using Child Care Quality Funds to Purchase Shared Services and/or Back-Office Solutions for Providers—Update Child Care 06/18/2019
WD 16-19 Rescinded Collection of Limited English Proficiency Status and Preferred Language Data Equal Opportunity, TWIST, WIOA 06/18/2019
WD 13-19 Active Online Security Verification Procedures for the Cash Draw and Expenditure Reporting System AEL, Financial Reporting 06/05/2019
WD 22-09, Chg 1 Rescinded American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009: Child Care Quality Improvement Activities—Update Child Care, Recovery Act 06/03/2019
WD 08-19 Rescinded Registration Requirements Related to the Relaunch All Programs, 05/23/2019
WD 15-19 Rescinded Guidelines for the Provision of Incentives for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Youth and Choices, including NCP Choices Participants NCP Choices, TANF/Choices, TWIST, WIOA 05/21/2019
WD 11-19 Rescinded Using Child Care Quality Funds to Purchase Shared Services and/or Back-Office Solutions for Providers Child Care 05/15/2019
WD 18-18, Chg 1 Rescinded Using the Child Care Formula Grant Award for Quality Improvement Activities—Update Child Care 05/13/2019
WD 10-18, Chg 1 Rescinded Assigning Direct Care Performance Targets to Child Care and Development Fund Carry-Forward Funds—Update Child Care, Financial Reporting 05/02/2019
WD 06-19 Rescinded Incumbent Worker Training WIOA 05/01/2019
WD 03-19 Rescinded Texas Workforce Awards Administration, AEL, Performance 04/05/2019
WD 08-15, Chg 2 Rescinded Jobs for Veterans State Grants Program: Reforms and Responsibilities of Workforce Solutions Office Staff Serving Veterans—Update All Programs, Veterans, WIOA 04/01/2019
WD 09-19 Rescinded Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Performance Accountability and Guidance for Performance Outcomes AEL, Performance, TAA, TWIST, VR, WIOA 03/22/2019
AEL 08-18, Chg 1 Active AEL Enrollment and Performance Targets—Update Targets for Program Year 2018 AEL Participants Served—Updated with Final Targets , TEAMS Funding Sources and Applicable Target Categories , Statewide Q1–Q3 and Q4 Measurable Skill Gains Targets and Subtargets , Revisions to AEL Letter 08-18 Shown in Track Changes AEL 03/04/2019
WD 04-19 Rescinded Implementation of Amendments to Chapter 809 Child Care Services Rules Regarding the Texas Rising Star Guidelines Child Care, TWIST 02/28/2019
WD 05-19 Rescinded Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Eligible Training Provider Program, Eligibility Criteria, and Performance Expectations ETP, WIOA 02/28/2019
WD 18-07, Chg 2 Active Discrimination Complaint Procedures—Update Texas Workforce Solutions Discrimination Complaint Procedures , Texas Workforce Solutions Complaint Information Form (English) , Texas Workforce Solutions Complaint Information Form (Spanish) , Revisions to WD Letter 18-07, Change 1, Shown in Track Changes , Revisions to WD Letter 18-07, Change 1, Attachment 1, Shown in Track Changes Equal Opportunity 01/30/2019
AEL 01-19 Active Periods of Participation for Adult Education and Literacy AEL, WIOA 01/29/2019
WD 02-19 Active Babel Notices Babel Notice Requirements All Programs, Equal Opportunity 01/29/2019
WD 01-19 Rescinded Revised Fiscal Year 2019/Program Year 208 Allocations for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Title I Adult Activities Fiscal – Allocations, WIOA 01/02/2019
WD 27-18 Rescinded Earned Income Tax Credit for Employed Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Recipients and Other Low-Income Workers Child Care, TANF/Choices 12/18/2018
WD 05-17, Chg 1 Rescinded Use of the Texas Rising Star Logo, Certificate, and Promotional Materials by Child Care Providers—Update Child Care 11/19/2018
WD 26-18 Active Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE) Version 11&12 AEL, TANF/Choices, WIOA 11/12/2018
WD 13-18 Rescinded Wage Record Requests ES 11/02/2018
WD 19-18 Rescinded Local Workforce Development Board Plan: Guidelines for Two-Year Plan Modification of the 2017–2020 Plan Board Planning, WIOA 11/02/2018
AEL 08-18 Rescinded AEL Enrollment and Performance Targets AEL 10/18/2018
WD 23-18 Rescinded Updated Fiscal Year 2019/Program Year 2018 Allocations for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment and Training, Including Planning Estimates for Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents Only Fiscal – Allocations, SNAP E&T 10/18/2018
AEL 07-18 Active Suitable Tests for Use in AEL AEL 10/09/2018
AEL 05-18 Active Approved Forms of Identity AEL 10/03/2018
WD 24-18 Active Premises Costs for Use of Texas Workforce Commission Buildings Fiscal - Administration 10/01/2018
AEL 03-18 Rescinded Fiscal Year 2019/Program Year 2018 Adult Education and Literacy Allocations and Additional Funding for Professional Development AEL, Fiscal – Allocations 09/20/2018
AEL 06-18 Rescinded Adult Education and Literacy Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Eligibility—Update AEL, TANF/Choices 09/20/2018
WD 18-07, Chg 1 Rescinded Discrimination Complaint Procedures—Update Equal Opportunity 09/20/2018
AEL 04-18 Active Program Year 2018–2019 Performance-Based Funding and Performance Allocation Holdback AEL 09/07/2018
WD 22-18 Rescinded Revised Fiscal Year 2018/Program Year 2017 Allocations for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Title I Adult and Youth Activities Fiscal – Allocations, WIOA 09/07/2018
AEL 01-18, Chg 1 Active Educational Outcomes for Adult Education and Literacy—Update Revisions to AEL Letter 01-18 Shown in Track Changes AEL, WIOA 09/07/2018
WD 18-18 Rescinded Using the Child Care Formula Grant Award for Quality Improvement Child Care 09/06/2018