TWC Awards Over $83 Million in Grants for Expansion of Adult Education and Literacy Programs

AUSTIN – The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) has awarded $83,030,502 to 40 grantees across the state in support of adult education and literacy. Funded by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education, these grants will continue educational opportunities for 70,000 adult learners served by TWC’s Adult Education and Literacy (AEL) programs.
“Each year more than 70,000 Texans enroll in adult education programs to help increase their earning potential in the Texas workforce,” said TWC Chairman Bryan Daniel. “These AEL programs are helping adult learners gain the skills they need for success.”
The recent grant funding from TWC will support efforts to develop and enhance AEL activities across the state, including High School Equivalency Preparation and Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education. Additional resources for AEL programs will help even more adult learners across Texas improve English proficiency, earn high school equivalency, gain industry-recognized credentials, and achieve digital literacy.
“Adult education and literacy helps to build career pathways and improve skills for Texans to create life-changing opportunities,” said TWC Commissioner Representing Labor Alberto Treviño III. “These grants highlight how TWC is empowering Texans to accomplish their educational goals and seek a career in our growing economy.”
TWC works with eligible providers across the state to provide AEL services that help Texans develop confidence and skills for success in the workforce. AEL services are provided free of charge to adult learners who lack functional literacy or have not earned a high school diploma (or recognized equivalent). Eligibility also applies to English Language Learners, including non-English-speaking professionals who have relocated to the U.S. with degrees or credentials from their native countries.
“Education is one of the most powerful tools to achieve career success and prosperity,” said TWC Commissioner Representing Employers Joe Esparza. “The Texas Workforce Commission’s commitment to the education of all Texans not only strengthens our workforce system, but also Texas’ reputation as the best state for doing business.”
Recipients of AEL grant funding for the 2024-2025 program year include:
Grantee | Total Grant Award |
Abilene Independent School District | $929,367 |
Alamo Community College District | $1,363,714 |
Amarillo Junior College District | $1,191,224 |
Angelina College | $1,008,819 |
Austin Community College | $3,779,580 |
Brazos Valley Council of Governments | $850,438 |
Brazosport College | $789,273 |
Brownsville Independent School District | $2,245,905 |
Central Texas College | $352,110 |
College of the Mainland | $840,978 |
Collin County Community College District | $2,177,502 |
Community Action, Inc. of Central Texas | $3,359,738 |
Dallas County Local Workforce Board | $7,243,754 |
Del Mar College | $1,289,923 |
Denton Independent School District | $2,195,821 |
Region 2 Education Service Center | $1,057,609 |
Region 9 Education Service Center | $606,622 |
Grayson College | $556,365 |
Harris County Department of Education | $6,260,068 |
Houston-Galveston Area Council | $11,050,372 |
Howard County Junior College District | $658,021 |
Laredo College | $1,304,562 |
Literacy Council of Tyler | $2,258,549 |
McLennan Community College | $1,012,622 |
Midland Junior College | $501,744 |
Navarro College | $992,547 |
Odessa College | $749,929 |
Paris Junior College | $702,381 |
Region 17 Education Service Center | $1,264,222 |
Region 5 Education Service Center | $1,167,580 |
Region One Education Service Center | $3,453,770 |
Restore Education | $5,972,851 |
Socorro Independent School District | $2,526,148 |
South Texas College | $1,000,000 |
Southwest Texas Junior College | $854,602 |
Temple College | $918,303 |
Texarkana College | $301,400 |
Victoria County Junior College District | $933,502 |
Weatherford Independent School District | $590,103 |
Workforce Solutions for Tarrant County | $6,718,488 |
Contact your nearest AEL Provider to participate in or learn more about Adult Education and Literacy services.
Texas Workforce Commission is a state agency dedicated to helping Texas employers, workers, and communities prosper economically. For details on TWC and its services in coordination with its local workforce development boards network, call 800-628-5115 or visit Subscribe to email updates to receive notifications about TWC programs and services.