TWC Invites Employers to Apply for Texas Apprenticeship Program

AUSTIN – The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) is awarding nearly $10 million through the new Texas Industry Recognized Apprenticeship (TIRA) grant program to eligible private-sector Texas employers. Funding for the new apprenticeship initiative was requested by TWC and approved by the Texas Legislature and Governor Greg Abbott to help address immediate industrial workforce needs resulting from the impact of hurricanes, other natural disasters, and overall workforce shortages.
“Apprenticeships are helping to fill critical skills gaps in Texas’ expanding economy,” said TWC Chairman Bryan Daniel. “The TIRA grant program will help elevate Texas’ workforce, address the needs of employers, and bolster the Lone Star State’s reputation as the best state for business.”
As a new Texas-funded apprenticeships initiative, the TIRA grant program highlights TWC’s continued commitment to increasing the number of skilled workers throughout the state. Unlike the Registered Apprenticeships program, which is federally funded and administered by the U.S. Department of Labor, the TIRA grant program draws on state funding to support apprenticeships that meet the immediate needs of Texans.
“The TIRA grant program will give Texans the chance to learn a highly skilled trade in industries where demand is highest and opportunity is greatest,” said TWC Commissioner Representing Labor Alberto Treviño III. “This grant program is a major investment in helping Texans obtain high-demand skills.”
TWC will accept applications from private-sector employers in 25 target occupations. Employers that apply for TIRA funding must present an apprenticeship training model that meets eligibility criteria. Proposed training models must include full-time paid work combined with classroom-related training (in-person or virtual) that advances the participant to credentialed performance-verified mid-level status in one of the 25 targeted occupations.
“Apprenticeship programs produce talented workers with skills that enable participating businesses to thrive,” said TWC Commissioner Representing Employers Joe Esparza. “As nearly all major industries in Texas continue to grow and diversify, the TIRA program ensures that our workforce is able to continue growing to meet the needs of Texas employers.”
To apply, employers must submit a TIRA Application for Funding Form to Applicants are encouraged to submit their applications by June 1, 2024, to ensure funding consideration for state fiscal year 2024. However, applications may be submitted year-round, pending funding availability. Funds will be awarded to eligible applicants on a first-come, first-served basis.
Texas Workforce Commission is a state agency dedicated to helping Texas employers, workers, and communities prosper economically. For details on TWC and its services in coordination with its local workforce development boards network, call 800-628-5115 or visit Subscribe to email updates to receive notifications about TWC programs and services.