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View and download Child Care & Early Learning plans, reports, and data.

Child Care by the Numbers provides information for the most recent 15 months. TWC updates this information quarterly. CCBN also has historical information (back to 2015). 

The data include:

  • Participation in Texas Rising Star
  • Number of children served
  • Type of providers that serve children
  • The program’s overall footprint in the state

The CCDF State Plan describes how Texas implements the Child Care Development Block Grant and the Child Care Development Fund.

TWC submits the plan to the Administration for Children and Families every three years. TWC amends the plan as necessary to reflect new policy or activities during the plan period.

The CCDF State Plan describes the following topics related to child care and quality improvement:

  • CCDF Leadership and Coordination with Relevant Systems
  • Promoting Family Engagement through Outreach and Consumer Education
  • Providing Stable Child Care Financial Assistance to Families
  • Ensuring Equal Access to High-Quality Child Care for Low-Income Children
  • Establishing Standards and Monitoring Processes to Ensure the Health and Safety of Child Care Settings
  • Recruiting and Retaining a Qualified and Effective Child Care Workforce
  • Supporting Continuous Quality Improvement
  • Ensuring Grantee Accountability

Child Care and Development Fund 2025-2027 State Plan

In 2021, Texas’ 87th Legislature passed House Bill 619 requiring TWC to prepare a strategic plan for improving the quality of the child care workforce. State law requires TWC to update the plan every three years.

On January 6, 2023, the Commission approved the Child Care Workforce Strategic Plan 2023-2025.

As required by the Labor Code, the Child Care Workforce Strategic Plan considered input from a workgroup that consisted of:

  • Child care providers
  • Community stakeholders
  • Child care workers

For more information, see The Workgroup Recommendations to Inform the 2022 Texas Child Care Workforce Strategic Plan.

The Child Care Services (CCS) Monthly Provider Report has information on Texas child care providers with a CCS agreement. It includes information on each provider’s location, Texas Rising Star level, number of current TWC referrals, and licensed capacity from Texas Health and Human Services (HHSC) Child Care Regulation (CCR). 

CCS Monthly Provider Report

Note: This report may be used by municipalities to assess potential provider eligibility for local property tax exemptions.  See Technical Assistance Bulletin 304 for more information on child care property tax exemptions.

Texas Labor Code §302.0043 requires TWC to prepare an Evaluation of Effectiveness of Subsidized Child Care Program. The goal is to analyze the effectiveness of the subsidized child care program in assisting parents to maintain employment. The Labor Code requires TWC to report the results of the evaluation to the legislature no later than January 15 of each odd-numbered year.

The following reports support TWC’s annual process to evaluate and set Child Care Services reimbursement rates:

The Texas Child Care Market Rate Survey reports on child care rates charged to the general public (or the "market rate") in each of the 28 local workforce development areas.

Visit the Texas Institute for Child & Family Wellbeing to see Market Rate Surveys from 2012 to the present.

Income Limits for CCS Eligibility

Parent Share of Cost

A child care desert as an area where the number of children younger than six with working parents is at least three times greater than the capacity of licensed child care providers in the area.

State law requires Boards to dedicate at least 2 percent of a Board’s annual CCDF allocation to activities that support quality improvement. In Fiscal Year 2023, TWC increased this set aside to 4 percent of each Board’s annual allocation. TWC requires Boards to submit an annual plan and quarterly expenditure reports for these funds.

The purpose of the annual Quality Progress Report (QPR) is to capture information on how the state uses CCDF quality funds. The QPR also evaluates progress in improving the quality of child care programs and services for children from birth to age 13.

The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) collects data on children and families served through CCDF. ACF requires all CCDF lead agencies to report this data through the ACF-801 case-level data submission.  The reports include the following:

  • Children Served by County / ZIP Code
  • Families Served by County / ZIP Code
  • Child Care Facilities Providing Services

The reports are available at the Texas Open Data Portal.

The ACF-800 is TWC's annual aggregate data report on children and families served through CCDF.

On June 29, 2021, the Commission approved $30 million of the CCDBG COVID-19 Federal Funding for Texas Rising Star Program Supports Activities.  The funding was issued to Boards in FY22 and had to be expended by March 31, 2023.  Each Board’s plan and the final expenditure and performance summaries were submitted on April 30, 2023. 

The Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) Act of 2014 requires states to have a statewide plan to address child care emergency preparedness, response, and recovery efforts.

The plan addresses: