The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) works with colleges, independent school districts (ISDs), and open-enrollment charter schools to grow dual credit and career and technical education programs. Dual credit programs help fill the need for skilled technical workers in local in-demand industries. High school students can take college or technical courses and earn credits toward a degree or certification. Please review the Dual Credit opportunities offered by TWC below.
FY 2025 Dual Credit Grant Program
Funded through the Skills Development Fund, the Dual Credit Grant Program allows eligible grantees to receive funds necessary to purchase or repair equipment required for a dual credit course or program.
Eligible grant recipients include the following:
• A public junior, state, or technical college partnered with a Texas ISD
• Texas ISDs partnered with a public junior, state, or technical college

How to Apply
The Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 Dual Credit Grant Program application window is not open yet.
Eligible public colleges or ISDs can apply for the Dual Credit Grant Program through a competitive grant process. The complete FY 2025 Request for Application (RFA) packet includes requirements and submission documents. It can be downloaded from the TWC Procurement Portal.
Please log in to the portal for the RFA. You can create a Bonfire account by clicking the Log in/Register button on the portal. Registration is free.
Dual Credit Healthcare Initiative (Institutions of Higher Education Only)
The Dual Credit Healthcare Initiative supports applications to create or grow healthcare career and technical education dual credit programs. The courses included in the application must be part of a health science program. Up to $3 million from the Skills Development Fund may be used in FY 2025 to fund eligible applications of up to $300,000 each. Allowed costs include tuition and fees, curriculum acquisition or development costs, certification costs, and up to 10 percent of administrative costs.
Eligible grant recipients include the following:
• A public junior, state, or technical college partnered with a Texas ISD or an open-enrollment charter school

How to Apply
The Dual Credit Healthcare application window is open.
Public junior, technical, or state colleges can apply for the Dual Credit Healthcare Initiative by completing the following documents:
• Dual Credit Healthcare Initiative application
• Budget workbook
• Letter of agreement
• LWDB review form
Send completed documents to DChealthcare@twc.texas.gov. Eligible applications will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.