Career Schools and Colleges (CSC) is a Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) program. Schools in the program must follow our laws and rules. These rules exist to make sure that the school is a properly operated place for students, instructors and the community. Schools that follow the guidelines create an environment where students can learn and succeed.
Here are important things your school and school staff must do:
- Know and follow the laws and rules
- Stay updated on any changes in requirements
- Expect visits from the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) to check on your school
- Stay financially capable of fulfilling the school's training responsibilities. You must provide evidence of this each year.
- Follow the school policies and procedures in the school catalog
- Offer only programs that TWC has approved
- Have enough facilities, equipment and staff to provide educational services
- Use directors, instructors and representatives with good character
- Provide each student with a copy of important information, including:
- Program details: Information about the program, what they will learn, and requirements
- Tuition fees: The cost of their education, including any additional charges or fees
- Completion and employment rates: Rates that show how many students successfully complete their program and get jobs in the field they studied. The rates also show how well the school prepares its graduates to succeed in their work. Higher rates mean the school is doing well in helping students reach their educational and career goals. Students and their families can use this information as well.
- Attendance rules: The rules and expectations about attendance and how it affects their progress
- Complaint procedures: The process for students to raise any concerns or complaints they may have about the school or its services
- Inform TWC if your small career school or college no longer qualifies for the program
- Inform TWC of changes in your school's application information, catalog, enrollment agreement or tuition. TWC must approve most changes before implementation.
- Get approval from TWC before advertising or starting new programs
- Address student complaints promptly
- Send TWC the school's annual report on completion, employment and job placement information by December 1.
- Make sure your school website has all the required information and compliant advertisements.
Staff Training
Certain staff training is required.
Continuing Education and In-Service Requirements
It is important to keep records of in-service training. This training helps instructors stay updated on the skills, knowledge and technology that businesses and industries need. You must have a plan and schedule for in-service training for instructors who are new to teaching.
This way, instructors will be more skilled so that they can help their students' learn better. The training helps teachers improve and become more effective educators for their students.
Director and Representative Training for Career Schools and Colleges
All representatives must take our free online training, Representative Training for Career Schools and Colleges. School directors are encouraged to take this training too because of their duties. Staff members may also take the course for professional development.
Advisory Committee Requirement
TWC Chapter 807 CSC rules require the school to have an advisory committee. Section 807.122(n) has information on the advisory committee.
Required Record Keeping
Schools must keep accurate records of student attendance, progress and disciplinary actions. This helps the school keep track of how students are doing. It also helps schools be a safe place for learning and student growth so students can succeed.
Your records must be current and ready for TWC to review at any time. The Survey Checklist shows the records that TWC will review in an on-site survey visit at your school.
Master Student Registration List & Student Transcripts
Your school must maintain a Master Student Registration List. It includes information such as the student name, date of birth and program. See our Sample Master Student Registration List.
Also, you need to permanently maintain student transcripts that contain academic records. Even if your school closes, you must ensure that these records are safe and accessible.
Student Financial Records
Texas Administrative Code, Title 40, Section 807.282 explains how you should keep your student financial records.
Student Files
Your school should maintain a file for each student. It should include documents from the student's school career, including:
- Entrance requirements documentation
- Student tour of campus
- Attendance records
- Make-up requests
- Leave of absence
- Progress records (not for Seminar-only schools)
- Transcripts (not for Seminar-only schools)
- Enrollments and re-enrollments
- Receipt of enrollment policies
- Receipts for payments
- Cancellations and drops
- Conduct conferences
- Grievance filing and resolution
- Probation conference
- Record of previous education and training (required only if credit may be granted)
- Refunds including calculations and front and back of canceled checks
Student Attendance Records
You must have a written narrative description of the school’s system for maintaining a positive record of attendance. Also, you must maintain a master record of attendance for each student that shows the number of hours scheduled each day and the hours of absence.
There are special student attendance record keeping rules for Title IV schools, synchronous distance education schools, and seminar classes.
School Records
Retain your school records for at least five years. You must have the following documents ready for TWC on-site survey visits:
- Copies of all advertising, sales and enrollment materials ·
- Fire inspection records
- Staff approvals
- Instructor evaluations from supervisor and students
- Staff development/continuing education documentation
- Lesson plans
- Syllabi given to students
- Backup documentation for the annual enrollment and outcome report (See Completer Follow-Up Survey)
- Lists of advisory committee members and minutes of advisory committee meetings, if applicable
- Backup documentation for the annual enrollment and outcome report (See Completer Follow-Up Survey PDF)
Student Access to Educational Records
You must give students copies of their transcripts. If they agree in writing, you must also give copies to potential employers. The first copy should be free, and any extra copies should be at a reasonable cost.
However, you do not have to provide transcript copies if the student hasn't paid their school fees or if they owe money for a federal or state student loan.
If your school gets funds from the U.S. Department of Education or is a Title IV school, you must follow the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). This means you need to allow students access to their educational records within 45 days of the date they requested it.
Student Refunds
If a student leaves the school, any refund owed to them must be paid within 60 days from the date they left. If the refund is not paid by the 60th day, the school will incur a penalty for each day it's late. The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) sets the annual interest rate for late refund payments. However, schools can avoid this penalty by accurately calculating and promptly paying the refunds.
Student Complaint Policy & Notice
Every licensed school must display a notice informing students about the process to file complaints about the school. This notice must contain specific information outlined in the Notice of Student Complaint Policy. This ensures that students are aware of their rights and know how to make a complaint if they have any concerns or issues with the school. It allows students to voice their grievances and seek resolution when needed. The notice shows that the school is transparent and accountable.
To renew a Certificate of Approval, the school must show that is “financially sound and capable of fulfilling its commitments for training." Do this by submitting evidence of financial stability every year, as in Subchapter C, Chapter 807 of Texas Administrative Code, Title 40.
Due Date
Each school must provide accurate financial statements every year, no later than 180 days from the end of the school's fiscal year. The penalty for not submitting your financial statements by the deadline is $750 for the first time and $1,000 for any following years.
Some newly licensed schools are not required to submit financial statements for the first fiscal year-end.
If the start date of your first Certificate of Approval is six months or less before the end of your school’s fiscal year, you will not submit financial statements until the close of the following fiscal year. See Evidence Necessary to Establish Financial Stability for End of First Year of Operation.
Types of Financial Information Reported
Section 807.35 of the Texas Administrative Code, Title 40 explains all the details you need to know about the types of financial information you must report.
How to Submit Your Financial Statements
Submit your annual financial statement by email, fax or USPS mail.
- Mail:
Texas Workforce Commission
Career Schools and Colleges
101 E 15th St, Rm 226T
Austin, TX 78778-0001 - Fax: 512-936-3111
- Email: Email your TWC program specialist or email
Every year, career schools and colleges with a TWC Certificate of Approval must submit an annual report about student enrollment and outcomes.
Your school's report on the seminar courses and vocational programs offered should cover the period from September 1 of the previous year to August 31 of the current year.
This report is due by December 1st. If the report is not submitted by December 1st, your school will have to pay a penalty of $750. If your school has been late in submitting reports before, the penalty will be $1,000.
Not submitting the report on time may also put your Certificate of Approval at risk.
Starting in early September, you can report the data through the Career Schools and Colleges Annual Reporting system. This system allows authorized users at your school to securely and directly report data to TWC. The school directors need to establish IDs for all staff entering data. Returning users may need to reset their passwords.
It's a good idea to start early so you can get help with any questions you may have and meet the December 1 deadline. You can enter data into the system as it becomes available until the report is ready for certification.
Remember, it is the responsibility of the school directors to ensure that reports are certified by the December 1 deadline.
Reporting Requirements
Career Schools and Colleges Annual Reporting Requirements
Accessing the Annual Reporting System
To use the Career Schools and Colleges annual reporting system, the school's director or acting director needs to log in first. Once they are logged in, they can give access to other reporting staff if necessary.
There are three ways for authorized school users to log in, depending on their previous experience with TWC's online systems:
- If you have used the Career Schools and Colleges annual reporting system before, log in using your existing user ID.
- If you have not used the annual reporting system before but have a user ID for another TWC system, like UI or, log in using that user ID.
- If you have never signed up on the annual reporting system or any other TWC internet system, you need to sign up for a user ID.
These options are available to make sure that authorized users can access the system appropriately.
Submitting Your Report
You must report on all programs that TWC approved during the reporting period.
You must complete all information for all programs. You can log off and return later to add to or update the information entered before certifying the report. Only the school director or acting director may certify the report.
Reporting Data Requirements
To complete the annual report on enrollment and student outcomes using the annual reporting system, schools need the information listed below.
- For seminar programs: Total enrollment for each seminar
- For vocational programs
- Completer details for each student who completed a vocational training program during the reporting period, including:
- Student identifying and contact information
- Start and end dates of training
- If the completer became employed, the employer name, location, and contact information, and the completer’s job title and starting wage (Use the Completer Follow-Up Survey PDF)
- If the completer entered postsecondary education, military service or incarceration, the name and location of the institution and the area of study in the case of postsecondary education
- Enrollment information for each vocational program, including:
- Number of actual students enrolled at the start of the program
- Number of students who are new starts
- Number of students who are re-entries
- Number of students who entered the program who transferred from another vocational program
- Number of students who left the program who transferred to another vocational program for full-time study
- Number of students who left the program for active military service, were incarcerated, were deceased or left for any other non-graduating reason
Options for Reporting Completer Data
You have two options for submitting vocational program completer information:
- Upload the data in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet or a comma-separated file. For file formatting requirements, see Upload File Format Help.
- Manually enter and edit completer information for one completer at a time.
Minimum Employment Rate
Knowing how well your students find jobs after completing vocational programs is crucial. This information is important because it helps us know how well the programs are getting students ready for jobs. We can see if the programs are doing a good job in preparing students for work and if they are teaching the right skills.
If many students from the programs find jobs in their chosen field, it means the programs are effective and help students succeed. But if fewer students get jobs, it tells us that there might be things that need improvement to help students do better in their careers. Having this information helps the school make better decisions.
We use the certified data you provide to determine if your school meets the minimum employment rate of 60% for each program.
It is essential to keep track of this data and ensure that your vocational programs are performing well.
Corrective Actions
Programs that do not meet a minimum employment rate will be subject to corrective actions, as listed in CSC rule §807.284(d).
Renewal Process
If you choose to renew your Certificate of Approval, you must meet certain requirements.
Renewal Deadlines
- You must submit your renewal application with fees to TWC by mail. It must be postmarked at least 30 days before the current certificate's expiration date.
- If your application is late or incomplete, you must pay a late fee. If it is not postmarked by the expiration date, you will have to apply for licensure as if you were a new, unlicensed school.
Notification, Forms & Fees
- You must complete the Renewal of Certificate of Approval, the Addendum to Representative Application (for renewal of representatives) if you are renewing representatives. You must also submit required fees and a Fee Sheet. Also, TWC may request other documents, such as financial statements or catalog revisions.
- The renewal fee is $500 or higher, based on .12% of tuition and fees, minus refunds, shown in your most recent financial statement. The fee to renew each representative is $45.
Late or Incomplete Application for Renewal
If your renewal application is late, you will be charged a late fee, as required by law.
If your renewal application is incomplete, TWC will ask for corrections. If you do not complete the corrections by the certificate's expiration date, TWC will deny the renewal of your Certificate of Approval. However, you may appeal a denial.