Find unemployment benefits contact information for Employers below.
Online Services & Information
Internet service is generally faster than calling the unemployment benefits Tele-Center. Employers can use our online services to:
- Find unemployment claim management and appeals information
- Respond to an unemployment claim
- Respond to a request for earnings verification
- Learn how to appeal an unemployment benefits decision
- Get appeal status for employers with a TWC tax account number
- Get appeal status for employers without a TWC tax account number
- Review the Especially for Texas Employers handbook
- Use to post a job, review résumés and recruit potential employees
Tele-Center Phone Number & Hours
Employers can speak with a customer service representative about unemployment benefits by calling an unemployment benefits Tele-Center.
Call: 866-274-1722 - Employers only.
Claimants and others, please refer to Unemployment Benefits Contact Information for Claimants.