May 23, 2024
AUSTIN – The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) is accepting applications for Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) in six additional counties impacted by the severe storms, straight-line winds, tornadoes, and flooding that began on April 26. As noted in the announcement from Governor Greg Abbott, the amended Federal Emergency Management Agency disaster declaration includes Eastland, Hardin, Harris, Jasper, Jones, Lamar, Liberty, Montgomery, Polk, San Jacinto, Trinity, Walker, and Waller Counties.
May 21, 2024
AUSTIN – The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) is now accepting applications for Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) as a result of the severe storms, straight-line winds, tornadoes, and flooding that began on April 26. Governor Greg Abbott requested a Presidential Disaster Declaration on May 15, 2024, which included a request for DUA benefits in seven counties. Under the May 17, 2024, Presidential Disaster Declaration, workers and self-employed individuals in Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, Polk, San Jacinto, Trinity, and Walker Counties who have been unable to work due to damage sustained from the severe weather may be eligible for DUA benefits.
May 21, 2024
AUSTIN ⎯ The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) is announcing the launch of this year’s Summer Earn and Learn (SEAL) program for students aged 14-22 with disabilities. Through work-based learning, SEAL participants earn a paycheck as they learn new skills and gain professional experience. Employers participating in SEAL benefit from the addition of engaged and enthusiastic team members.
The Texas labor market once again set record-high levels for jobs, employed Texans, and the civilian labor force. April marks the 37th consecutive month of positive annual job growth. Texas’ seasonally adjusted total nonfarm employment increased to 14,159,000 after 42,600 jobs were added over the month in April, reflecting growth in 46 of the last 48 months.
The Texas labor market maintained its momentum in March to reach a 36th consecutive month of positive annual growth and once again set new record-high levels for jobs, Texans employed, and the civilian labor force. Texas’ seasonally adjusted total nonfarm job count increased to 14,115,700 after 19,100 jobs were added over the month in March, reflecting growth in 45 of the last 47 months.
March 22, 2024
The Texas labor market again achieved new record-high levels for jobs, Texans employed, and the civilian labor force following over-the-month increases in February. Texas’ seasonally adjusted job count increased by 49,800 over the month of February to reach 14,103,700 jobs. This reflects job growth in 44 of the last 46 months and marks the largest total nonfarm monthly job gain since January 2023.
AUSTIN ⎯ The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) has published a Request for Applications (RFA) for the Jobs and Education for Texans (JET) grant program. Texas public junior, state, and technical colleges, school districts, and open-enrollment charter schools may apply. The JET program has approximately $15 million to provide grants to these applicants in Fiscal Year 2024.
March 8, 2024
The Texas labor market marked record-breaking growth with January over-the-month increases in jobs, Texans employed, and the civilian labor force. Following annual benchmarking revisions to the 2023 labor market data, Texas’ seasonally adjusted job count increased by 18,900 in January to reach 14,053,400 jobs and achieve growth in 43 of the last 45 months.
February 14, 2024
In celebration of Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month, the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) recognizes the value of CTE programs and the achievements of students who pursue high-skill technical careers in more than 750 unique occupations across the state.
January 31, 2024
The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) is awarding nearly $10 million through the new Texas Industry Recognized Apprenticeship (TIRA) grant program to eligible private-sector Texas employers. Funding for the new apprenticeship initiative was requested by TWC and approved by the Texas Legislature and Governor Greg Abbott to help address immediate industrial workforce needs resulting from the impact of hurricanes, other natural disasters, and overall workforce shortages.