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Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) provides searchable access to Workforce Development Letters, Adult Education & Literacy Letters, Customer Care Letters, Fraud Deterrence & Compliance Monitoring Letters, and Technical Assistance Bulletins. If you have questions about policy guidance, please email:

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Policy Letters

Guidance Number Status Subject Additional Attachments Keywords Publication Date
WD 02-18 Rescinded Handling and Protection of Personally Identifiable Information and Other Sensitive Information Administration, All Programs, General 03/23/2018
AEL 02-14 Active Contract Amendment Process for Adult Education and Literacy and English Literacy and Civics Grantee Contracts Ending August 31, 2014 Schedule #6—Program Budget Summary—Federal and State Adult Education , Schedule #6—Program Budget Summary—Federal and State TANF , Schedule #6—Program Budget Summary—English Literacy and Civics AEL 04/09/2014
TA 266 Rescinded Texas Health and Human Services Commission Data Discrepancies SNAP E&T, TANF/Choices, TWIST 02/12/2014
TA 263 Active The Workforce Information System of Texas Trade Adjustment Assistance Desk Aid TWIST TAA Desk Aid TAA, TWIST 09/04/2013
TA 261 Active U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Work-Study Program All Programs 05/30/2013
WD 13-21, Chg 1 Rescinded Initial Job Search Child Care—Update Child Care 01/21/2022
TA 259 Active Provision of Meals and Refreshments All Programs, Fiscal - Administration 04/22/2013
AEL 01-22 Active Program Year 2021–2022 AEL Allocations, Contracted Measures, and Performance-Based Funding FY2022/PY2021 Adult Education and Literacy Allocation by Provider (Year Beginning July 1, 2021) , Program Year 2021–2022 Adult Education and Literacy Enrollment Targets , Program Year 2021–2022 Performance-Based Funding Criteria , TEAMS Activity Codes for AEL Core Grantee Enrollment Targets AEL, WIOA 01/13/2022
WD 14-22, Chg 1 Rescinded Child Care Provider Data and Board Agreements—Update Child Care 01/13/2023
TA 249 Active Identity Mismatch Verification Report Identity Mismatch Verification Report Child Care, TWIST 04/02/2013
WD 26-21 Active Customer Load Exceptions SNAP E&T, TANF/Choices, TWIST 12/28/2021
WD 14-13 Active The Workforce Information System of Texas: New Fund Code for Non–Texas Workforce Commission-Funded Grants TWIST 03/12/2013
TA 301 Active Agency-Board Agreement Requirements and Contact Information - PDF Administration, Board Planning, General 01/12/2023
WD 29-12 Active Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006—Update Financial Reporting 09/27/2012
AEL 06-21 Active High School Equivalency Subsidy Program for Program Year 2021–2022 Initial Voucher Distribution to AEL Grant Recipients AEL 12/21/2021
WD 10-22, Chg 4 Rescinded RESEA and Other Participant Career Transitioning Services—Update ES, General, NCP Choices, Rapid Response, RESEA, SNAP E&T, TAA, TANF/Choices, UI, Veterans, WIOA, 11/28/2022
WD 24-22 Rescinded Funds for Hiring and Retaining Texas Rising Star Mentors Child Care 11/07/2022
WD 03-22 Active Use of the New Texas Rising Star Rebrand Materials Texas Rising Star Branding Toolkit Child Care 01/24/2022
TA 252 Active Entering Board Contract Year Parent Share of Cost Amounts into The Workforce Information System of Texas Child Care, TWIST 08/09/2012
WD 25-21, Chg 2 Rescinded Guidance on the Use of Metrix Learning™ Industry Certifications—Update General, 11/04/2022
WD 10-19, Chg 3 Rescinded Fidelity Bonding Services—Update ES, Second Chance, SNAP E&T, TWIST, 02/11/2022
FDCM 06-22 Active State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2023 Subrecipient Monitoring Policies and Procedures Related to Local Workforce Development Boards FDCM 10/31/2022
WD 17-12 Rescinded Capturing Training-Related Employment Data in The Workforce Information System of Texas All Programs, TWIST 06/26/2012
WD 18-18, Chg 2 Active Using the Child Care Formula Grant Award for Quality Improvement Activities—Update Revisions to WD 18-18, Change 1, Shown in Track Changes Child Care 10/26/2022
WD 21-21, Chg 2 Active COVID-19 Federal Funds for Texas Rising Star Supports—Update Texas Rising Star Incentives Distribution , COVID-19 Federally Funding Texas Rising Star Supports Board Template , Revisions to WD Letter 21-21, Change 1, Shown in Track Changes Child Care 02/17/2022
FDCM 05-22 Rescinded Board Instructions: Required Posters in Texas Workforce Solutions Offices FDCM 10/10/2022
WD 38-11, Chg 1 Rescinded Local Memoranda of Understanding with the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services to Serve Foster Youth--Update Administration, General 12/20/2011
FDCM 04-22 Texas Wage and Hour Assistance FDCM 10/06/2022
AEL 02-22 Active Technical Assistance Plan Criteria for Adult Education and Literacy Grant Recipients AEL 03/02/2022
WD 30-11 Active Senate Bill 400: Texas Rising Star Provider Participation in the Texas Procurement and Support Services Cooperative Purchasing Program Child Care, TWIST 08/18/2011
AEL 03-22 Active High School Equivalency Subsidy Program for Fiscal Year 2023 and AEL Program Year 2022–2023 AEL 09/28/2022
FDCM 03-22 Active Subrecipient Monitoring Staff Responsibilities FDCM 03/04/2022
TA 226 Active Universal Service Administrative Company’s Low Income Program: Phone Service Discounts All Programs 07/26/2010
WD 04-22 Active Job Development Code in ES, 03/07/2022
WD 02-21, Chg 1 Active Texas Rising Star Staff Education Extensions—Update Texas Rising Star Education Extensions Progress Report , Revisions to WD Letter 02-21 Shown in Track Changes Child Care 09/23/2022
TA 225 Active Customers Requiring Relay Services Equal Opportunity, ES 07/09/2010
WD 22-22 Rescinded Child Care Provider Maximum Reimbursement Rate Increases Child Care 09/19/2022
WD 06-22 Rescinded CLASS® Optional for Texas Rising Star Assessments Child Care 03/18/2022
WD 20-22 Rescinded Board Contract Year 2023 Federal Poverty Guidelines and State Median Income Amounts for Determining Eligibility and Parent Share of Cost for Child Care Services Child Care 09/02/2022
WD 17-10 Active Outreach and Promotional Materials, Advertising, Sponsorships, Employee Apparel, and Award Ceremonies Charged to Grant Awards and Subawards Funded through the Texas Workforce Commission Equal Opportunity, General 05/11/2010
WD 08-22 Active Using Eligible Training Provider List for CCDF-Funded Initiatives Child Care, ETP 03/31/2022
WD 53-09 Active Guidelines for Safeguarding the Issuance of Nonmonetary Incentives for Workforce Investment Act and Choices Participants TANF/Choices, WIA 12/23/2009
WD 01-22, Chg 1 Rescinded Short-Term Training for Parents Enrolled in Initial Job Search Child Care —Update Child Care, ETP, TWIST, WIOA 05/06/2022
WD 05-21, Chg 3 Active Workforce Career and Education Outreach Specialists Program—Update Workforce Career and Education Outreach Specialists Reporting Spreadsheet—Updated , Revisions to WD 05-21, Change 2, Shown in Track Changes TANF/Choices, WIOA 08/29/2022
WD 47-09 Active Job Training Course Requirements for English as a Second Language Classes All Programs 11/30/2009
WD 02-22, Chg 1 Active Afghan Humanitarian Parolee Requirements for Eligible Programs, Including the Child Care and Development Fund—Update Revisions to WD 02-22 Shown in Track Changes AEL, Child Care, VR, WIOA, 06/06/2022
WD 16-22 Active Account Requirement for Workforce Solutions Office Staff Liaison Staff Account Setup , Staff Accounts Reporting Template Administration, TWIST, 08/26/2022
WD 28-07, Chg 1 Active Limitations on Salaries and Bonuses Paid with Workforce Investment Act and Wagner-Peyser Funds—Update Guidelines for Implementing Public Law 109-234 Fiscal - Administration 11/05/2009
TA 300 Active Prekindergarten Partnerships Child Care 07/01/2022
WD 09-22 Active Prekindergarten Partnerships Child Care 07/01/2022