Texas Workforce Commission's (TWC) Learner Outcome Tracking System (LOTS) is a grant application and management system that allows grantees to apply for funding and assists in tracking grant outcomes. The LOTS systems is used specifically for Skills Development Fund, Self Sufficiency Fund, and other grants offered through the Outreach and Employer Initiatives Division of TWC.
Logon Options
Existing Grantee Users can login to the Grantee Portal to access existing projects or create a new grant application.
Business Partners can access project by logging into the Business Partner Portal.
New Users needing to create a new LOTS account should contact their Regional Business Liaison or their current Grant Manager for assistance.
Session Length
Upon logon, the session remains active while you are entering data. If the session is inactive, or you stay on the same page for 65 minutes, the system will log you off and the information entered on that page will be lost. If you enter data manually, be sure to use the save button periodically to ensure your information is not lost.
User passwords will expire after 90 days. Users with expired passwords will be prompted to reset their password upon login.
Protecting Personal Information
In order to protect and secure the information that is stored in the LOTS system, it is best practice for the user to Sign Out of the system when not actively entering or reviewing project data.
Participant Data Entry
TWC offers two methods for most training providers to send data electronically: either through file transfer or through web-based data entry screens. Submission timelines are outlined in the executed grant agreement.
Technology Requirements & Privacy
Recommended browsers are Chrome, Edge, Firefox, or Safari. Click on the respective link to download the latest free version.
Privacy Information
TWC collects personal information entered into electronic forms on this website. For more information on your rights to request, review and correct information submitted on this electronic form, please see TWC's Website Privacy & Security Information.
Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) safeguards information systems and data in accordance to Texas Administrative Code Chapter 202 (TAC §202) and Texas Government Code Chapter 2054. Information Resources. TAC §202 requires agencies to use the TAC §202 Security Controls Standards Catalog. In addition to TAC §202, TWC must also adhere to other regulatory and cybersecurity requirements to ensure that confidentiality, integrity, and availability are maintained. TWC ensures that all data is properly protected through the implementation of security controls that align with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication (SP) 800-53, Rev. 5 (NIST SP 800-53 Rev.5) and the Texas Cybersecurity Framework (TCF). NIST SP 800-53 Rev.5 details our agency’s minimum security and privacy controls for the following areas:
- Access Control
- Awareness and Training
- Audit and Accountability
- Assessment, Authorization, and Monitoring
- Configuration Management
- Contingency Planning
- Identification and Authentication
- Incident Response
- Maintenance
- Media Protection
- Physical And Environmental Protection
- Planning
- Program Management
- Personnel Security
- Personally Identifiable Information Processing and Transparency
- Risk Assessment
- System And Service Acquisition
- System And Communication Protection
- System And Information Integrity
- Supply Chain Risk Management
While the following information is provided in keeping with TWC's intent to protect, to whatever extent possible, our customers' and visitors' dignity and privacy. This information may change over time as TWC modifies or further protects its services. therefore, TWC continuously assess and updates our Privacy and Cybersecurity practices periodically for any changes. To view additional laws and regulations that affecting TWC, visit TWC’s Laws, Rules & Policy page.