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Learn about the Self Sufficiency Fund Program and find guidelines on how to apply. The Self Sufficiency Fund is a training grant geared towards low-income individuals who are on, or at risk of becoming dependent on public assistance.

The Senior Community Service Employment Program helps older job seekers, age 55 and above, who have a low income. This program offers training and help to find jobs in the public and private sectors. Participants earn a small wage for working part-time at nonprofit groups or government agencies.

The Skills Development Fund is for businesses who want to train new workers or upgrade the skills of existing workers. Public community colleges or technical colleges may apply. The goal of the program is to upgrade the skill levels and wages of the Texas workforce.

The Skills for Small Business grant supports businesses with fewer than 100 employees. Learn about the Skills for Small Business program, who is eligible and how to apply.

Learn about the SNAP Employment and Training (E&T) program. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as food stamps, helps low-income people buy food. SNAP E&T helps people who receive SNAP benefits find jobs. Find information about services, funding, and other resources.

The Texas Industry Partnership Program webpage is intended to provide an overview of the program, as well as resources and guidance on how to apply. The goal of the program is to increase high demand job training in Texas communities.

The Texas Rising Star program is a quality rating and improvement system for child care programs participating in TWC's Child Care Services program. Programs that attain certification in Texas Rising Star show a level of quality that exceeds Child Care Regulation minimum standards for child care.

Find information and resources on the benefits and services available under the Trade Adjustment Assistance program.

A pre-k partnership is when a school partners with one or more quality child care programs to give quality care and education to 3- and 4-year-old children. In a formal pre-k partnership, children are part of both public-school pre-k and TWC's Child Care Services program.

Unemployment Benefits is an employer-paid program that provides temporary, partial income replacement to eligible workers who lost their job or are working reduced hours through no fault of their own.