Texas Rising Star Program
The Texas Rising Star program is a quality rating and improvement system for child care programs participating in TWC's Child Care Services program. Programs that attain certification in Texas Rising Star show a level of quality that exceeds Child Care Regulation minimum standards for child care.
Texas Industry Partnership Program
The Texas Industry Partnership Program webpage is intended to provide an overview of the program, as well as resources and guidance on how to apply. The goal of the program is to increase high demand job training in Texas communities.
Skills for Small Business Program
The Skills for Small Business grant supports businesses with fewer than 100 employees. Learn about the Skills for Small Business program, who is eligible and how to apply.
Apprenticeship Program
Learn about TWC’s Office of Apprenticeship Program, which supports apprenticeship training activities through coordination, guidance, planning, technical assistance, and funding supports. The program focuses on meeting the needs of employers throughout the state of Texas.
Find resources on the Foreign Labor Certification program. This program allows employers hire foreign workers for temporary jobs in the United States.
Find information on TWC's effort to help Boards, Foster Youth Transition Centers and other partners who support young people in foster care. Find resources and information to help them succeed. The goal is to help foster youth achieve financial stability and continue to be financially secure.
The High Demand Job Training Program webpage is intended to provide an overview of the program, as well as resources and guidance on how to apply. The goal of the program is to increase high demand job training in Texas communities.
The JET program provides grants to buy and install equipment for career and technical education (CTE) courses. These courses must lead to a license, certificate or post-secondary degree in a high-demand occupation. The JET Advisory Board meets every quarter to review received applications.
Labor Market Information help the public explore career choices and opportunities. Our data helps job seekers to make career choices that are right for them. Researchers use our data in career-related research.
The Lone Star Workforce of the Future Fund is a program is to increase the supply of qualified workers for entry-level to mid-level jobs in high demand occupations. The program will ensure that the Texas workforce is capable of filling available and emerging jobs in this state.
Learn about the Noncustodial Parents (NCP) Choices program, which helps parents who don't have custody of their children and are struggling financially. The program helps parents who don't make enough money to support their children to find better jobs and move forward in their careers.
We help people 55 and older with visual impairments live independently in their home and in the community.
The Purchasing from People with Disabilities program helps disabled people work and be more independent. People with different disabilities make things or do services through Works Wonders. Before, it was managed by a group, but now TWC oversees it.
Find resources on the Reemployment Services & Eligibility Assessment Program, a mandatory statewide program that helps customers who are receiving unemployment benefits get back to work quickly.