Communication related to 30-day review postings of changes, clarifications or expectations to the VR Standards for Providers are listed here. Notices are found under the heading of the fiscal year they were published.
Archived Notice to Providers
This area contains past fiscal year notice to providers.
Email the VR Standards for Providers Team if additional information or documents are needed.
Communication related to 30-day review postings of changes, clarifications or expectations to the VR Standards for Providers are listed here. Notices are found under the heading of the fiscal year they were published.
08/31/2022 Notice to Providers
Form VR1604 for SEAL Participants
Effective 8/1/2022, a revised version of the form VR1604 Work Experience Training Report was published. We recognize the timing of this publication may cause confusion as Providers complete Work Experience Training billing for the FY 2022 SEAL Program.
As you're submitting invoices for SEAL participants only, Providers may submit either the version published on 8/1/2022 or the previous version published 2/2022. This notice will be archived on the Provider Resource Page for reference.
For all other VR customers participating in Work Experience Training, the revised form published 8/1/2022, must be used for this process.
If you have questions about this notice, please contact or
06/29/2022 Notice to Providers
The Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Division (TWC-VR) invites VR providers to participate in a virtual meeting ( from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. CST on Tuesday, July 19, 2022.
The purpose of this meeting is to continue to provide a venue for ongoing dialogue and collaboration.
We are requesting all questions be submitted to the mailbox no later than Thursday, July 14, 2022. Please use Provider Meeting in subject line of the email.
Meeting Agenda
Email the VR Standards mailbox at: if you have a question.
- Welcome and Introductions
- Updates from Regional Providers and Discussion of Identified Topics
- VR Updates/Training
- Answers to Questions Submitted by Providers
- Wrap-up and Next Steps
06/15/2022 Notice to Providers
- Flyer-Employment First Training Services
Amerigroup and the Association of People Supporting Employment First (APSE) are hosting a free, eight-week training series on competitive integrated employment and Employment First. The training is intended for Supported Employment providers throughout the state of Texas. It is not required for providers that maintain the TWC-VR Supported Employment credential. For more information about the training, refer to the flyer and FAQ document below. To register, send an email to
06/01/2022 Notice to Providers
The Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Division (TWC-VR) has updated the following chapters in the Vocational Rehabilitation Standards for Providers Manual (VR-SFP) regarding the 90-day count of employment. These revisions will publish July 1, 2022, and they are currently posted for the 30-day review period.
Email the VR Standards mailbox at if you have any questions.
05/16/2022 Notice to Providers
The Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Division (TWC-VR) has created a new chapter in the Vocational Rehabilitation Standards for Providers Manual (VR-SFP). The chapter is currently posted for a 30-day review period and will be published on July 01, 2022.
Email the VR Standards mailbox at if you have any questions.
05/02/2022 Notice to Providers
The Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Division (TWC-VR) has updated the following chapters in the Vocational Rehabilitation Standards for Providers Manual (VR-SFP). These revisions are effective June 1, 2022, and they are currently posted for the 30-day review period.
Email the VR Standards mailbox at if you have any questions.
- Chapter 6: Hearing Aids and Related Accessories
- Chapter 9: Assistive Technology Services for Customers with Visual Impairments
04/12/2022 Notice to Providers
The Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Division (TWC-VR) invites VR providers to participate in a virtual meeting from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. CST on Monday, April 25, 2022.
The purpose of this meeting is to continue to provide a venue for ongoing dialogue and collaboration.
We are requesting all questions be submitted to the mailbox no later than Thursday, April 21, 2022. Please use Provider Meeting in subject line of the email.
Meeting Agenda
Email the VR Standards mailbox at: if you have a question.
- Welcome and Introductions
- Updates from Regional Providers and Discussion of Identified Topics
- VR Updates
- Assistive Technology for Sight Related Disabilities Update
- Blind Premium Update
- Answers to Questions Submitted by Providers
- Wrap-up and Next Steps
04/01/2022 Notice to Providers
The Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Division (TWC-VR) invites VR providers to participate in a virtual meeting from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. (CST) on April 25, 2022.
The purpose of this meeting is to establish a venue for ongoing dialogue and collaboration.
Agenda items and registration information will follow soon.
Questions about the virtual meeting may be submitted to
04/01/2022 Notice to Providers
The Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Division (TWC-VR) has updated Chapter 16: Project SEARCH Services in the VR Standards for Providers Manual.
The following SFP forms were added and are effective April 1, 2022:
If you have any questions about the update, email the VR Pre-ETS mailbox at
- VR3360, Referral for Project SEARCH
- VR3361, Project SEARCH Asset Discovery Report
- VR3362, Project SEARCH Progress Report
- VR3363, Project SEARCH Job Placement Services Plan
- VR3364, Project SEARCH Placement Report
03/01/2022 Notice to Providers
The Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Division (TWC-VR) is updating the forms and associated policy in Standards for Providers (SFP) Chapter 16: Project SEARCH Services. The following SFP content is effective April 1, 2022:
The following SFP forms are effective April 1, 2022:
The resource, titled Project SEARCH Transition, describes how to proceed with services when a customer is currently receiving Project SEARCH services.
If you have any questions about the update, email the VR Pre-ETS mailbox at
- SFP Chapter 16: Project SEARCH Services
- VR3360, Referral for Project SEARCH
- VR3361, Project SEARCH Asset Discovery Report
- VR3362, Project SEARCH Progress Report
- VR3363, Project SEARCH Job Placement Services Plan
- VR3364, Project SEARCH Placement Report
02/01/2022 Notice to Providers
The Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Division (TWC-VR) has updated the following chapters in the VR Standards for Providers Manual (SFP), effective February 1, 2022:
These updates include introducing the Career Planning Assessment, updates to the Supported Employment (SE) service delivery model, and restructured payments for disability-related premiums in SE.
The following SFP forms were added effective February 1, 2022:
For more information, email the VR Standards mailbox at
- Chapter 4: Employment Assessments
- Chapter 18: Supported Employment Services
- Chapter 20: Premiums
- VR1629, Referral for Career Planning Assessment
- VR1630, Career Planning Assessment
- VR1631, Referral for Supported Employment Services
- VR1632, Supported Employment Plan and Employment Report
- VR1633, Supported Employment Job Development and Job Analysis Report
- VR1634, Supported Employment Training Plan and Job Retention Report
01/18/2022 Notice to Providers
Supported Employment (SE) Credential Update Available —The SE credential update is now available for SE credential holders to complete on demand through University of North Texas Workplace Inclusion & Sustainable Employment (UNTWISE). The credential update is a one-hour webinar that must be completed before accepting new referrals for Standards for Providers (SFP) Chapter 4.6: Career Planning Assessment or SFP Chapter 18: Supported Employment Services. To complete the credential update, go to UNT's website.
01/05/2022 Notice to Providers
The Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Division (TWC-VR) invites VR providers to participate in a virtual meeting from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM CST on Thursday, January 13, 2022.
The purpose of this meeting is to continue to provide a venue for ongoing dialogue and collaboration. Also, please note that we plan to spend a significant amount of time during the meeting covering the upcoming modifications to Supported Employment that will go into effect on February 1, 2022.
We are requesting all questions be submitted to the no later than Tuesday, January 11, 2022. Please use Provider Meeting in subject line of the email.
Meeting Agenda
For more details see the recent Notice to Providers posted on the Provider Resource Page.
Email the VR Standards mailbox at if you have any questions.
- Welcome and Introductions
- Updates from Regional Providers and Discussion of Identified Topics
- VR Updates and Supported Employment Update
- Answers to Questions Submitted by Providers
- Wrap-up and Next Steps
12/29/2021 Notice to Providers
Update to SFP - Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Division (TWC-VR) is introducing the Career Planning Assessment, changing the Supported Employment (SE) service delivery model, and restructuring payments for disability-related premiums in SE. The following Standards for Providers (SFP) content will go into effect February 1, 2022:
The following SFP forms will go into effect February 1, 2022:
Mandatory training - All University of North Texas Workplace Inclusion & Sustainable Employment (UNTWISE) SE credential holders must successfully complete a mandatory credential update through UNTWISE before accepting new referrals for SFP Chapter 4.6: Career Planning Assessment or SFP Chapter 18: Supported Employment Services. The credential update will be posted on the UNTWISE website and will be available to complete on-demand starting January 18, 2022.
The resource, titled Supported Employment Transition, describes how to proceed with services when a customer is currently receiving SE.
Questions regarding the updates may be submitted to
- SFP Chapter 4: Career Planning Assessment
- SFP Chapter 18: Supported Employment Services
- SFP Chapter 20: Premiums
- VR1629, Referral for Career Planning Assessment
- VR1630, Career Planning Assessment
- VR1631, Referral for Supported Employment Services
- VR1632, Supported Employment Plan and Employment Report
- VR1633, Supported Employment Job Development and Job Analysis Report
- VR1634, Supported Employment Training Plan and Job Retention Report
12/13/2021 Notice to Providers
The Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Division (TWC-VR) invites VR providers to participate in a virtual meeting from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. (CST) on January 13, 2021.
The purpose of this meeting is to establish a venue for ongoing dialogue and collaboration.
Agenda items and registration information will follow soon.
Questions about the virtual meeting may be submitted to
09/29/2021 Notice to Providers
Thank you to everyone who attended the quarterly provider meeting earlier today. We have included 3 documents from the meeting today:
Please send any questions you have to
- The PowerPoint Presentation,
- TWS-VRS & HHS Waiver Sequencing of Services Diagram, and
- Accessible Version of the TWS-VRS & HHS Waiver Sequencing of Services Diagram
09/28/2021 Notice to Providers
The Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Division (TWC-VR) is updating provider rates associated with the following chapters in the VR Standards for Providers Manual effective October 01, 2021:
Please see the fee tables in each chapter for the details related to the new rates. The rates for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Supports have also been adjusted.
Below are two documents that provide additional information on the TWC-VR rate changes.
New service authorizations will need to be issued on 10/1 to reflect the rate change. Hourly services will update immediately on 10/1. Benchmarks achieved prior to 10/1 will utilize the legacy rates and benchmarks achieved on 10/1 and later will use updated rates.
Send any questions to
- Chapter 4: Employment Assessments
- Chapter 13: Work Readiness Services
- Chapter 14: Work Experience Services
- Chapter 15: Pre-Employment Transition Services
- Chapter 16: Project SEARCH Services
- Chapter 17: Basic Employment Services
- Chapter 18: Supported Employment Services
- Chapter 19: Self Employment
- Chapter 20: Premiums
- List of services with rate increase
- FAQ related to the rate increase
09/16/2021 Notice to Providers
The Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Division (TWC-VR) invites VR providers to participate in a virtual meeting from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM CST on Wednesday, September 29, 2021.
Meeting Agenda
We are requesting all questions be submitted to no later than midnight on September 26th. Please use Provider Meeting in the subject line of the email. Please note we may not be able to address all questions on the call.
- Welcome and Introductions
- Updates from Regional Provider Representatives and Regional VR Staff
- Vocational Rehabilitation Program Updates
- Presentation of VR Waivers and specific Waiver Employment Services
- Answers to Questions Submitted by Providers
- Wrap-up and Next Steps
09/14/2021 Notice to Providers
On July 29, 2021, Executive Order GA-38 (GA-38) was issued by Governor Greg Abbott relating to the continued response to the COVID-19 disaster.
GA-38 clarifies and establishes that no governmental entity (including TWC-VR) can require any provider or customer to:
TWC strongly encourages employees and customers to wear face coverings but does not require employees or customers to do so. Generally speaking, a private business can set their own rules and policies for face covering, as long as they do not discriminate against a protected class of people (e.g., on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, or disability).
In addition to the above, GA-38 also states any public or private entity that is receiving or will receive public funds through any means, including contracts or other disbursements of taxpayer money, shall not require a customer to provide documentation regarding the customer’s COVID-19 vaccination status as a condition of receiving any service or entering any place. The above includes TWC-VR contractors.
GA-38 further states that there shall be no local orders regarding COVID-19-related operating limits for any business or other establishment.
However, GA-38 also strongly encourages Texans to:
Please review SFP Frequently Asked Questions regarding COVID-19 for more information on GA-38, COVID-19 vaccinations and face coverings.
Please send any questions to
- Receive a COVID-19 vaccine
- Show proof of a vaccination for COVID-19
- Wear a face-covering
- Consistently follow good hygiene, social-distancing, and other mitigation practices as a matter of personal responsibility
- Receive a COVID-19 vaccine
- Wear face coverings
- Use good-faith efforts and available resources to follow the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) health recommendations, found at
09/01/2021 Notice to Providers
The Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Division (TWC-VR) invites VR providers to participate in a virtual meeting from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (CST) on September 29, 2021. The purpose of this meeting is to establish a venue for ongoing dialogue and collaboration. Agenda items and registration information will follow soon. Questions about the virtual meeting may be submitted to
Blind Services Assistive Technology Trainer Guidelines & Procedures Manual
The required curriculum for assistive technology trainers who provide training to prepare a VR customer who is blind to effectively use assistive technology in employment or in educational settings after high school.
Communication related to 30-day review postings of changes, clarifications or expectations to the VR Standards for Providers are listed here. Notices are found under the heading of the fiscal year they were published.
07/01/2021 Notice to Providers
The Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Division (TWC-VR) is updating the VR Standards for Providers (VR-SFP) manual to remove requirements put in place following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. With these updates, some services can now be provided remotely without an approved VR3472, Contract Service Modification Request, if agreed upon by the counselor, customer, and provider. In-person services that required an approved VR3472, Contract Service Modification Request to ensure appropriate COVID-19 safety measures will no longer require a VR3472 and may proceed with standard approvals. Below are three documents that provide an overview of the changes to each chapter in the VR Standards for Provider Manual and related forms.
The Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Division (TWC-VR) has recorded a Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE) training webinar that describes CIE requirements in greater detail. Providers are encouraged to view the recording for a better understanding of these requirements.
Send any questions to
- In-Person or Remote Service Delivery Chart
- Overview of Standards for Providers changes effective July 1, 2021
- List of forms updated on July 1, 2021
06/14/2021 Notice to Providers
The Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Division (TWC-VR) invites VR providers to participate in a virtual meeting from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. CST on Tuesday, June 22, 2021. The purpose of this meeting is to continue ongoing dialogue and collaboration. Please submit your questions to us at no later than Friday, June 18, 2021. Please include "Provider Meeting" in the subject line of your email message.
Meeting Agenda
- Welcome and Introductions
- Updates from Regional Providers and Discussion of Identified Topics
- VR Updates and Training Topics
- Answers to Questions Submitted by Providers
- Wrap-up and Next Steps
05/28/21 Notice to Providers
The Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Division (TWC-VR) is updating the VR Standards for Providers manual as follows:
Section 3.6.4 Evaluation of Service Delivery in Chapter 3: Basic Standards includes Executive Order GA-36 (EO-36) prohibiting governmental entities and officials from mandating face coverings or restricting activities in response to the COVID-19 disaster. EO-36 is effective immediately.
Effective July 1, 2021, the services below will no longer require an approved VR3472 before the provision of services.
Effective July 1, 2021, Worksite visits for Job Placement Services may be conducted in-person, remotely or a combination of both as selected by the counselor on 1845B Bundled Job Placement Plan Part B and Status Report.
Effective July 1, 2021, Job Skills training may be conducted remotely if agreed upon by the counselor, customer, and provider. The VR3314, Job Skills Training Referral will include a section to indicate the remote, in-person or a combination of Job Skills Training.
Effective July 1, 2021, Work Skills remotely if agreed upon by the counselor, customer, and provider. The VR1601, Work Experience Plan and Placement Report will include a section to indicate the remote, in-person or a combination.
The Authority to Issue a Temporary Exception to Policy section includes VR-SFP Temporary Exception for Trainer-to-Customer Ratios. This exception took effect on September 18, 2020, and remains in effect through May 31, 2021.
The VR Standards for Providers Frequently Asked Questions, originally published on October 15, 2020, and updated today, May 28, 2021, includes information on the current requirements regarding the wearing of face coverings. The FAQ provides guidance on the use of VR3472, Contract Service Modification, and COVID-19 exceptions.
Send any questions to
- Environmental Work Assessment
- Vocational Evaluation
- Work Adjustment Training
- Orientation and Mobility Services
- Diabetes Self-Management Education Services
- Assistive Technology for Sighted-Related Disabilities
- Independent Living Services for Older Individuals Who Are Blind
05/20/2021 Notice to Providers
The Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Division (TWC-VR) invites VR providers to participate in a virtual meeting from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. (CST) on June 22, 2021. The purpose of this meeting is to continue our ongoing dialogue and collaboration. Agenda items and registration information will follow soon. Questions about the virtual meeting may be submitted to
05/19/2021 Notice to Providers
The University of North Texas Workplace Inclusion and Sustainable Employment (UNT WISE) is offering a free on-demand, prerecorded webinar called Ethics of Informed Choice, which is available through April 22, 2022. This training outlines informed choice and helps contractors, vendors, and Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) staff understand its importance in the VR process. Information on the training can be found on the UNTWISE web page.
04/02/2021 Notice to Providers
Revisions to the Vocational Rehabilitation Standards for Providers manual (VR-SFP) Chapter 6: Hearing Aids and Related Accessories are posted for the 30-day review period. These revisions are effective on May 3, 2021. The content has been updated to align with the Vocational Rehabilitation Services Manual (VRSM) and contracts.
03/12/2021 Notice to Providers
The Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Division (TWC-VR) invites VR providers to participate in a virtual meeting from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. on March 23, 2021. The purpose of this meeting is to establish a venue for ongoing dialog and collaboration. In order to provide feedback on relevant topics, we are requesting that questions be submitted in advance of the meeting, and we will try to answer as many of the questions as possible during the meeting. Please submit all questions to the following email: no later than Friday March 19, 2021. Please type "Provider Meeting" in the subject line of your email.
Meeting Agenda
TWC-VR looks forward to hearing from providers and offering updates on the VR program. We welcome provider feedback on opportunities and challenges. We are particularly interested in provider's ideas about how we can continue to work together to increase the effectiveness of services for VR customers and facilitate provider engagement.
Email the VR Standards mailbox at if you have a question regarding the following:
- Welcome and Introductions
- Updates from Regional Providers and Discussion of Identified Topics
- VR Updates and Training Topics
- Answers to Questions Submitted by Providers
- Wrap-up and Next Steps
- Adjourn
- Service requirements outlined in the VR Standards Manual
- Provision of services to a customer related to COVID-19 impact or mitigation measures
- Concerns related to service delivery
03/9/21 Notice to Providers
The Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Division (TWC-VR) is updating the VR Standards for Providers manual as follows:
Send any questions to
- Chapter 3: Basic Standards now includes Executive Order GA-34 about information on social distancing and face coverings
- The Authority to Issue a Temporary Exception to Policy section now includes Executive Order GA-34 on VR-SFP Temporary Exception for Trainer-to-Customer Ratios. This exception took effect on September 18, 2020, and will remain in effect through May 31, 2021.
- Information on the current requirement to wear a face covering in the VR Standards for Providers Frequently Asked Questions, originally published on October 15, 2020, is added. The FAQ provides guidance on the use of VR3472, Contract Service Modification, and COVID-19 exceptions.
03/5/2021 Notice to Providers
The Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Division (TWC-VR) invites VR providers to participate in a fourth virtual meeting starting at 1:00 p.m. on March 23, 2021.
The purpose of this meeting is to continue the dialogue and collaboration initiated during previous meetings.
Another notice will be sent during the week of March 9, 2021, that will include the meeting agenda and additional details about how to register for the meeting. TWC-VR looks forward to continued discussions with providers and will provide an update on the VR program during the meeting.
TWC-VR welcomes provider feedback on opportunities and challenges as well as questions that providers may have about policies and procedures. TWC-VR is particularly interested in hearing providers' ideas about how to work together to increase the effectiveness of services for VR customers.
If you have a question regarding provision of services to a customer related to COVID-19 impact or mitigation measures, please fax or email the question to the VR Standards mailbox at: Questions about the virtual meeting can be submitted to the VR Standards mailbox at:
12/28/2020 Notice to Providers
The Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Division is:
Questions about the exception should be directed to
- Extending the exception titled VR-SFP Temporary Exception for Trainer-to-Customer Ratios until May 31, 2021. This exception took effect on September 18, 2020, and will remain in effect through May 31, 2021
- Clarifying and adding content to the VR Standards for Providers Frequently Asked Questions originally published on October 15, 2020. This FAQ provides guidance on the use of VR3472, Contract Service Modification and COVID-19 exceptions
12/07/2020 Notice to Providers
Provider Meeting
The Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Division (TWC-VR) invites VR providers to participate in a virtual meeting from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. on December 15, 2020. The purpose of this meeting is to establish a venue for ongoing dialogue and collaboration.
Meeting Agenda
TWC-VR looks forward to hearing from providers and offering updates on the VR program. In addition, we will be discussing topics identified by providers including rates, fees and payment for services, credentialing, communication, Covid-19 exceptions, and others. We welcome provider feedback on opportunities and challenges, as well as any questions providers may have. We are particularly interested in provider's ideas about how we can continue to work together to increase the effectiveness of services for VR customers.
Questions about the virtual meeting can be submitted to the VR Standards mailbox at
- Welcome and Introductions
- Updates from Regional Providers and Discussion of Identified Topics
- Forum for Comments
- Wrap-up and Next Steps
- Adjourn
11/19/2020 Notice to Providers
The Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Division (TWC-VR) invites VR providers to participate in a third virtual meeting starting at 1:00 p.m. on December 15, 2020. The purpose of the meeting is to continue the dialogue and collaboration initiated during the meeting that was held on September 15, 2020.
Another notice will be sent during the week of November 30, 2020, that will include the meeting agenda and additional details about how to register for the meeting. TWC-VR looks forward to continued discussions with providers and will provide an update on the VR program during the meeting.
TWC-VR welcomes provider feedback on opportunities and challenges as well as questions that providers may have about policies and procedures. TWC-VR is particularly interested in hearing providers' ideas about how to work together to increase the effectiveness of services for VR customers.
10/15/2020 Notices to Providers
The Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Division released more than 60 updated forms and updates to the VR Standards for Providers (VR-SFP) manual on September 1, 2020. TWC-VR created a Frequently Asked Questions document for these updates, which contains guidance on:
Language in sections 3.6.4 Evaluation of Service Delivery and 3.11.1 Documentation and Signatures of the VR-SFP has been updated to clarify the content originally posted on September 1, 2020. These revisions are shown in track changes in the VR-SFP Revision log.
If you have questions, please contact
- How to transition to using the new forms
- What services require a VR3472, Contracted Service Modification Request, when performed in person
- What services can be provided remotely when approved on a referral form
- How to handle different scenarios for services provided during and after the COVID-19 exception period
- How to handle required in-person worksite visits
- When VR1825, Pre-ETS Curriculum Checklist, needs to be updated
09/22/2020 Notices to Providers
The Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Division is posting a temporary exception to certain requirements in the Vocational Rehabilitation Standards for Providers Manual. The exception is titled VR-SFP Temporary Exception for Trainer-to-Customer Ratios. This exception is effective September 18, 2020, and will remain in effect through December 31, 2020. Questions about the exception should be directed to
09/01/2020 Notices to Providers
Provider Meeting
The Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Division (TWC-VR) invites VR providers to participate in a virtual meeting at 1:00 p.m. on September 15, 2020. The purpose of this meeting is to establish a venue for ongoing dialogue and collaboration.
Meeting Agenda
TWC-VR looks forward to hearing from providers and offering an update on the VR program. We welcome provider feedback on opportunities and challenges, as well as any questions providers may have. We are particularly interested in provider's ideas about how we can work together to increase the effectiveness of services for VR customers.
If you have a question regarding provision of services to a customer related to COVID-19 impact or mitigation measures, please fax or email the question to the VR Standards mailbox at:
Communication related to 30-day review postings of changes, clarifications or expectations to the VR Standards for Providers are listed here. Notices are found under the heading of the fiscal year they were published.
08/10/2020 Notice to Providers
The Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Division (TWC-VR) invites VR providers to participate in a second virtual meeting at 1:00 p.m. on September 15, 2020. The purpose of the meeting is to continue the dialogue and collaboration initiated during the meeting that was held on June 16, 2020.
Another notice will be sent during the week of August 24, 2020, including a meeting agenda and additional details about how to register for the meeting. TWC-VR looks forward to continued discussions with providers and will provide an update on the VR program.
TWC-VR welcomes provider feedback on opportunities and challenges, as well as questions that providers may have about policies and procedures. TWC-VR is particularly interested in hearing providers' ideas about how to work together to increase the effectiveness of services for VR customers.
07/31/2020 Notice to Providers
Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation (TWC-VR) is adding a new Vocational Adjustment Training (VAT) service, 13.17: VAT Exploring Postsecondary Education and Training. The service description, process and procedure, and outcomes required for service payment are posted for 30-day review and will go into effect on September 1, 2020.
07/20/2020 Notice to Providers
This month, Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation (TWC-VR) is implementing the Standards for Providers Local Provider Liaison (LPL) initiative, designed to build productive relationships with TWC-VR employment services providers through improved communication, technical assistance and training.
TWC-VR has produced a recorded webinar that explains the LPL initiative. We encourage employment services provider directors and key staff to view the recording.
Each employment services provider will be assigned an LPL who will be contacting the provider's director.
The focus of the LPL initiative is to:
For questions about the initiative or webinar, email or contact your assigned regional quality assurance specialist.
- Build active relationships between VR staff and providers
- Promote effective communication between VR staff and providers
- Provide technical assistance and training to providers and VR staff
- Monitor provider performance
07/03/2020 Notice to Providers
Temporary exceptions to the Vocational Rehabilitation Standards for Providers (VR-SFP) are currently published and in effect. These temporary exceptions are scheduled to expire on August 31, 2020.
On September 1, 2020, many of these temporary exceptions will become permanent revisions to the VR-SFP, and providers will be responsible for implementing the revisions.
A marked-up version of the VR-SFP changes will be available in the VR-SFP Revision Log on September 1, 2020. Providers must review the changes to ensure continued compliance.
The revisions will address the following temporary exception topics:
- Handwritten Signatures
- Remote Delivery of Services
- Remote Planning Meetings
- 90-day Count of Employment for Bundled Job Placement and Project SEARCH
- Use of form VR3472, Contracted Service Modification Request
06/05/2020 Notice to Providers
The Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Division (TWC-VR) invites VR providers to participate in a virtual meeting at 1:00 p.m. on June 16, 2020.
The purpose of this meeting is to establish a venue for ongoing dialogue and collaboration. If the virtual meeting format is successful, TWC-VR anticipates using this format for future quarterly meetings with providers.
Meeting Agenda
TWC-VR looks forward to hearing from providers and offering an update on the VR program. We welcome provider feedback on opportunities and challenges, as well as any questions providers may have. We are particularly interested in provider's ideas about how we can work together to increase the effectiveness of services for VR customers.
TWC-VR would like to continue to extend special thanks to the many providers that have implemented the TWC-VR COVID-19 exceptions and adapted their procedures and programs to continue to serve VR customers during the pandemic.
- Welcome and Introductions
- Purpose and Expectations
- Forum for Discussion
- Wrap-up and Next Steps
- Adjourn
06/02/2020 Notice to Providers
The Vocational Rehabilitation Standards for Providers Manual (VR-SFP) exceptions document has been updated to continue to support safe and continued service delivery to Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) VR Division (VRD) customers in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of the revision is to do the following:
- Extend the exceptions to August 31, 2020, unless otherwise specified. Public health authorities continue to emphasize the importance of COVID-19 mitigation strategies during the pandemic period
- Reformat the exceptions document to be more user-friendly
05/29/2020 Notice to Providers
The following revisions to the Vocational Rehabilitation Standards for Providers Manual will go into effect on June 29, 2020. These revisions are shown in Track Changes in the documents at the links listed below.
Chapter 2: Obtaining a Contract for Goods and Services — updated Section 2.8.1 Adding Counties or Services, Goods, and/or Equipment to a Contract, to indicate that provider contracts awarded after January 2020 will be statewide and therefore will not list the counties to be served.
Chapter 17: Basic Employment Services — updated Section 17.4.1 Bundled Job Placement Services Service Description, and its associated form VR1845B, Bundled Job Placement Services Plan—Part B and Status Report, to clarify which types of placements are acceptable for VR customers.
Chapter 18: Supported Employment Services — updated Section 18.1 Supported Employment Overview, and its associated form VR1643, Supported Employment Services Plan 2—Placement, Job Analysis, and Training Plan, to clarify which types of placements are acceptable for VR customers.
05/28/2020 Notice to Providers
The Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Division (TWC-VR) invites VR providers to participate in a virtual meeting at 1:00 p.m. on June 16, 2020. The purpose of this meeting is to establish a venue for ongoing dialogue and collaboration. If the virtual meeting format is successful, TWC-VR anticipates using this format for future quarterly meetings with providers.
Another notice will be sent the week of June 1, 2020, with an agenda and additional details about how to register for the meeting. TWC-VR looks forward to hearing from providers and offering an update on the VR program, including upcoming revisions to policy and standards. We welcome provider feedback on opportunities and challenges, as well as questions providers may have about policies and procedures. We are particularly interested in providers' ideas about how we can work together to increase the effectiveness of services for VR customers.
TWC-VR would like to extend special thanks to the many providers that have implemented the TWC-VR COVID-19 exceptions and adapted their procedures and programs to continue to serve VR customers during the pandemic.
05/07/2020 Notice to Providers
The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) program has posted a recorded webinar titled Temporary Exceptions to the Requirements in the Texas Vocational Rehabilitation Standards for Providers manual (duration 47 minutes), which provides an overview of the VR-SFP revised exceptions document and includes answers to common questions received by the mailbox.
TWC-VR staff will continue to answer questions received regarding the exceptions document and will issue a FAQ document and host a second live webinar to address questions in the near future.
The VR-SFP revised exceptions document and the COVID VR3472 Contract Service Modification forms have been updated to provide clarifications on topics such as:
- Time frames of retroactive exceptions
- Examples of useful tools to collect electronic signatures
- Use of form VR3372 for Project SEARCH
- When to issue authorizations for Non-bundled and Bundled Services
- And when to request COVID-19 VR3472s for Bundled Job Placement and Supported Employment
04/24/2020 Notice to Providers
The Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Division (TWC-VRD) is creating and posting a recorded webinar to address application of the VR-SFP revised exception document. The webinar will provide an overview of the VR Standards for Providers (VR-SFP) Manual exception document that can be accessed at any time by the provider and provider staff. We will send a GovDelivery notice once the webinar is available, during the week of April 27, 2020, and also post the announcement on this page.
If you have questions or suggestions related to the VR-SFP Manual Exception document, please send them to VR Standards at by 4:00 p.m., Monday, April 27, 2020, and we will provide responses to questions received during the recorded webinar. We will host a live question-and-answer session during the following week.
04/20/2020 Notice to Providers
Further Updates to Temporary Exceptions Due to COVID-19
The revised exception document is now available. Minor edits were made to the exceptions for language consistency.
04/06/2020 Notice to Providers
Update to Temporary Exceptions Due to COVID-19
TWC Vocational Rehabilitation Division (VRD) staff and service providers continue to deliver essential services that are necessary to assist Texans with disabilities to prepare for, obtain and retain competitive integrated employment.
On March 30, 2020, VRD announced the implementation of temporary exceptions to certain requirements in the VR Standards for Providers Manual (SFP). The exceptions are intended to support VRD staff and service providers as we work together to maintain continuity of services to our current customers and access to services for new customers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The exceptions have been revised to extend the temporary exception period, consistent with GA 14, issued by Governor Abbott on March 31, 2020, as well as any superseding orders issued by the Governor in the coming weeks.
In addition, VRD recognizes that some providers proactively implemented COVID-19 containment strategies during the month of March to protect VRD customers, provider staff and communities. The revisions clarify that VRD staff may approve and pay provider invoices for services rendered during the month of March 2020 that were delivered as allowed in the exceptions issued on March 30, provided that all other applicable requirements are met.
Finally, the revisions clarify language in some sections and provide a more detailed list of services that may be postponed, if necessary, to implement COVID-19 containment measures.
The revised exception document is now available.
The health and safety of our customers, providers, staff and communities remains our top priority. Providers should continue to cooperate with the guidance on COVID-19 containment strategies issued by federal, state and local authorities.
If you have a question regarding provision of services to a customer related to COVID-19 impact or mitigation measures, please fax or email the question to the VR Standards mailbox at:
Again, updates and information regarding service delivery during this time will be posted on the Provider Resources page found at:
For the latest information on the coronavirus pandemic, including symptoms, how to protect yourself, and travel advisories, visit the CDC's COVID-19 website found at Included in this website is CDC Guidance for Businesses and Employers:
For State information, you may review the Texas Department of State Health Services website:
03/30/2020 Messages to our Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Providers
Texas Workforce Solutions-Vocational Rehabilitation Services Update to Providers on Temporary Exceptions Due to COVID-19
To support VRD staff and service providers as we work together to maintain continuity of services to our current customers and access to services for new customers, VRD is implementing temporary exceptions to certain requirements in the VR Standards for Providers Manual (VR-SFP). Read the full notice on temporary exceptions as of March 30.
Authorized Passage for Supporting and Performing Agency Minimum Essential Functions and Services During the COVID-19 Restrictions
VR service providers may request authorized passage documentation acknowledging that they are performing state governmental duties, for purposes of going to or returning from said duties, consistent with local orders to shelter in place. Read the full announcement on agency minimum essential functions.
Telerehabilitation Guidance for Autism Spectrum Disorder Support Providers
Employment providers with the Autism Endorsement can learn how to continue to provide the Autism Spectrum Disorder Support service through a telerehabilitation option during the COVID-19 restrictions.
03/20/2020 Notice to Providers
Texas Workforce Solutions-Vocational Rehabilitation Services Message to Providers on Agency Response to COVID-19 Outbreak
01/27/2020 Notice to Providers
The following revisions to the Vocational Rehabilitation Standards for Providers Manual will go into effect March 2, 2020. These revisions are shown in Track Changes at the link listed below.
Chapter 8: Durable Medical Equipment (DME)—Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP machine) and Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP machine) will be added to the list of equipment allowed to be purchased for VR customers.
12/16/2019 Notice to Providers
The following revisions to the Vocational Rehabilitation Standards for Providers Manual will go into effect January 15, 2020. These revisions are shown in Track Changes at the links listed below.
If you have questions about the revisions, please contact
- Chapter 3: Basic Employment—Updated section 3.8 Goods and Services Purchased to include language related to ReHabWorks system--generated billing cover sheet use Updated section 3.3.3 Conflict of Interest to clarify limitations for hiring current TWC staff. and limitations for TWS-VR customers providing services to other TWS-VR customers.
- Chapter 14: Work Experience—Updated to allow for use with Wage Services and includes added Work Experience Monitoring to the Work Experience Training service definitions.
- Chapter 17: Basic Employment Service—Updated Job Skills Training service description to include use as Extended Services for "youth with disabilities".
- Chapter 18: Supported Employment Services—Updated content related to Extended Services. Reminder: Provider Notice on 10/01/2019 noted revisions to this chapter related to competitive integrated employment and temporary employment, also effective on January 15.
- Chapter 21: Employment Supports for Brain Injury—Updated content for clarity, removed billing codes, added premium rate Medical Team Services for attending interdisciplinary team meetings, and removed Psychological Services from sections Therapy Evaluations and 21.5.5 Therapy Services and placed it in section 21.9 Ancillary Other Support Goods and Services.
10/01/2019 Notice to Providers
Chapter 21: Employment Supports for Brain Injury is now in effect; this replaces the retired Chapter 21: Standards for Post-acute Brain Injury (PABI) Service Providers.
A new section, 20.11 Brain Injury Premiums, will be added to VR-SFP Chapter 20: Premiums. The provisions in this new section will take effect on November 1, 2019. Note: The UNTWISE Brain Injury Endorsement is still being developed.
Revisions to VR-SFP Chapter 18: Supported Employment Services, related to competitive integrated employment and temporary employment, will take effect on January 15, 2020.
Communication related to 30-day review postings of changes, clarifications or expectations to the VR Standards for Providers are listed here. Notices are found under the heading of the fiscal year they were published.
08/01/2019 Notice to Providers
Chapter 5: Orientation and Mobility - Minor revisions made to the chapter to clarify content and make rate changes. Revisions to go into effect on September 3, 2019. These revisions are shown in Track Changes.
Chapter 7: Diabetes Self-management - Minor revisions made to the chapter to clarify content and make rate changes. Revisions are effective September 3, 2019. These revisions are shown in Track Changes.
Chapter 10: Independent Living Services for Older Individual Who Are Blind - Minor revisions to clarify content in chapter and make rate changes which will go into effect on September 3, 2019. These revisions are shown in Track Changes.
If you have questions about the revisions, please contact
A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document related to VR-SFP Chapter 15: Pre-Employment Transition Services is now available. For questions about this FAQ document, email
Chapter 21: Employment Supports for Brain Injury—this chapter will replace Chapter 21: Standards for Post-acute Brain Injury (PABI) Services Providers. The effective date of the revised chapter will be October 1, 2019.
Chapter 17: Basic Employment Services—this chapter has been revised and the changes (indicated through the Track Changes feature in Microsoft Word) will be effective July 5, 2019:
- Non-bundled Job Placement—clarification of curriculum requirements for required training and change in the requirement of video-recorded mock interviews
- Bundled Job Placement—addition of definition of “Competitive Integrated Employment" clarification of curriculum requirements for required training, change in the requirement of video-recorded mock interviews, and clarification of temporary employment
- Job Skills Training—clarification of when additional goals can be added to the VR3315, Job Skills Training Report, and when premium service authorizations are issued
Revised standards on Pre-Employment Transition Services will take effect on July 1, 2019. These revisions to Chapter 15: Pre-Employment Transition Services are shown in Microsoft Word Track Changes.
Please see Guidance on Transitioning to the Revised Pre-ETS Standards for guidance about the new curriculum checklist and samples of the new and updated forms referenced in Chapter 15. For questions about these revisions or the webinar, please email
The following chapters have been revised and the changes will take effect on June 3, 2019. Revisions are indicated through Microsoft Word's Track Changes feature.
Chapter 13: Work Readiness Services - The content has been revised as follows:
Chapter 14: Work Experience - Now includes unexpired employment authorization documents.
Chapter 18: Supported Employment Services - Due to the extensive reorganization of content in this chapter, the entire chapter is being retired and replaced. In addition, the new version of Chapter 18 references new and consolidated Supported Employment (SE) forms. The older SE forms will be phased out entirely on August 30, 2019.
See Guidance on Transitioning to the New Supported Employment Forms for samples of the new Supported Employment forms and more information on when to use them.
Chapter 20: Premiums - The content has been revised as follows:
- Clarified the required staff qualifications when Personal Social Adjustment Training is provided with Supportive Residential Services for Persons in Recovery
- Added "Employment Skills" to Module 2 of Vocational Adjustment Training (VAT) Job Search Training
- Updated VAT Money Smart to include new modules published by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
- Removed "Integrated" from Work Adjustment Training
- Changed the timing for when a service authorization for a premium is issued and paid
- For the Criminal Background Premium, clarified that the criminal history record or fingerprint record is obtained from the Texas Department of Public Safety or an equivalent law enforcement agency
- For the Travel Premium, clarified the standards for lodging and meals
03/01/2019 Notice to Providers
Sharing documents—A new standard on sharing documents with customers is effective April 1, 2019. The standard is shown in Track Changes:
Chapter 3: Basic Standards, 3.11 Documentation and Record Keeping
Procedures for AT evaluators and trainers—The revised standards on proficiency tests and procedures for assistive technology (AT) services are effective April 1, 2019. The revisions are shown in Track Changes:
Chapter 9: Assistive Technology for Sight-Related Disabilities
02/27/2019 Notice to Providers
- If you have questions about IRS form 1099, you may contact the Texas Workforce Commission’s Accounts Payable staff at
Communication related to 30-day review postings of changes, clarifications or expectations to the VR Standards for Providers are listed here. Notices are found under the heading of the fiscal year they were published.
08/03/2018 Notice to Providers
The revised insurance requirements, record storage requirements, mileage premium, and travel premium will go into effect on September 4, 2018. Existing content in these sections of the VR-SFP will be replaced with the following content:
Questions about revisions and related forms may be emailed to
- 3.2 Insurance Requirements
- 3.11.2 Record Storage
- 20.6 Mileage Premium
- 20.9 Premium Fee Chart
- 20.10 Travel Premium
07/03/2018 Provider Directors and Providers
Revisions to VR Standards for Providers Chapter 3: Basic Standards align the chapter with solicitation documents used for open enrollment and include the addition of nine forms. Providers, please use these forms, as needed, to keep your records up-to-date with TWC Vocational Rehabilitation Services:
Provider directors, please review the latest published version of Chapter 3. A marked-up version showing the changes is also available. A list of the revisions made to the SFP manual in 2018 is published in the VR-SFP revision log.
- DARS3441A, Entity Headquarters Information Part A - Management Team
- DARS3441B, Entity Headquarters Information Part B - Services
- DARS3441C, Entity Headquarters Information Part C - Counties
- DARS3442A, Provider Physical Location(s) Information Part A - Certification Statement
- DARS3442B, Provider Physical Location(s) Information Part B
- DARS3443, TWC VR Standards for Providers Certification
- DARS3444, Conflict of Interest Certification
- DARS3445, Provider Insurance Verification
- DARS3455, Provider Staff Information Form
04/25/2018 Notice to Providers
General or Business Liability Insurance
The Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Division (TWC-VR) is implementing a temporary exception to general or business liability insurance coverage requirement in the VR Standards for Provider manual Chapter 3: Basic Standards, Section 3.2.1, General or Business Liability, until October 1, 2018, unless this exception is rescinded earlier by TWC VRD. This extends the previous exception to insurance requirements that was posted September 29, 2017.
Contractors are reminded that, as service providers, you are responsible for your actions and the actions of your employees and subcontractors. Insurance provides protection to contractors from claims of negligence made by customers.
Please note that there is no exemption for premises liability insurance for contractors that own a building where services are provided to TWC-VR customers.
Contractors transporting customers in motorized vehicles must meet the minimum liability requirements of the Texas Department of Insurance.
03/15/2018 Notice to Providers:
On March 15, 2018, a change to the Vocational Rehabilitation Standards for Providers manual section 20.6 Travel Premiums went into effect. Corresponding updates were made to section 20.9 Premium Fee Tables. This new content was made available for review on this page in the February 15, 2018 Notice to Providers listed below, and is now published.
02/15/2018 Notice to Providers:
The revised Travel Premiums will go into effect on Monday, March 15, 2018. Existing content in these sections of the SFP will be replaced with the following content:
SFP 20.6 Travel Premiums
SFP 20.9 Premium Fee Table
Questions about Travel Premiums and related forms can be emailed to
02/15/2018 Notice to Providers:
The revised Travel Premiums will go into effect on Monday, March 15, 2018. Existing content in sections 20.6 Travel Premium and 20.9 Fee Table of the manual will be replaced. Refer to the VR-SFP Revision Log for archived copies of these sections.
01/10/2018 Notice to Providers:
A TWC GovDelivery list was created to notify contractors and providers every time revisions are posted to the Standards Manual and other important information. To subscribe for these notifications, visit the TWC GovDelivery website:, enter an email address, and select the topic ‘Vocational Rehabilitation Contractors and Providers News.’
01/10/2018 Notice to Providers:
A TWC GovDelivery list was created to notify contractors and providers every time revisions are posted to the Standards Manual and other important information. To subscribe for these notifications, visit the TWC GovDelivery website:, enter an email address, and select the topic ‘Vocational Rehabilitation Contractors and Providers News.'
10/01/2017 Notice to Providers:
On October 1, 2017, Texas Workforce Commission’s Blind Services Division and Rehabilitation Services Division combined to create a single designated state unit (DSU) to administer the vocational rehabilitation program for Texans with disabilities. The combined VR Standards for Providers (VR-SFP) manual has been published.
09/29/2017 Notice to Providers:
The combined Vocational Rehabilitation Division of the Texas Workforce Commission will implement a combined Vocational Rehabilitation Standards for Providers Manual (VR-SFP) on October 1, 2017. SFP chapters that are posted on September 1, 2017 will go into effect on October 1, 2017.
Review information on changes to Travel Reimbursement, Bundled Job Placement Services, Job Coaching, Director Credential, and Liability Insurance requirements.
09/01/2017 Notice to Providers:
October 1, 2017 Texas Workforce Commission’s Blind Services Division and Rehabilitation Services Division will combine to create a single designated state unit (DSU) to administer the vocational rehabilitation program for Texans with disabilities. This process includes replacing our existing divisions specific standards for providers’ manuals with a single combined standards manual. The new providers’ manual will be called the Vocational Rehabilitation Standards for Providers’ Manual (VR-SFP). While some content is still under development, the VR-SFP chapters that are posted on September 1, 2017 will go into effect on October 1, 2017.
The new and revised VR forms referenced within the VR-SFP will be published on Oct. 1, 2017. Questions about the content of the Standards for Providers manual and related forms can be emailed to